More Life: Chapter Thirty-Eight

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    Aubrey held Destiny tightly, basking in the comfort of a blissful silence. How many times had he prayed for a second chance with her, after thinking an accident had claimed her life? How many times had he begged God for another chance to be with her, even if it meant sacrificing his own life? He'd prayed and begged, but hadn't expected God to deliver. But here they were, joined together again. Wrapped up in each other, against all odds. Where do we go from here? he wondered. How long will we have to be in hiding? How will it feel to return to our normal lives once we're out of hiding? Will there ever be a normal for us to return to, or will we always be running from some crazy threat? 

    She shifted in his arms and breathed out a sigh. The slow, steady pace of her breathing let him know that she was still sleeping. 

    My baby has been through so much, he thought, stroking her hair. Moving forward, how do I protect her? I had an entire security team employed when she was involved in that crash. We thought we were being careful when the FBI houses on Turks were broken into. I allowed my own selfish needs to supersede her safety. Her connection to me is what constantly puts her in danger. He stared up at the ceiling with worry creasing his brow. That's why the FBI thought it was important to keep her away from me. Under their watch and care, she was completely fine. Only when I inserted myself back into her life was she in danger.

    A gentle touch cut off his thoughts, drawing his gaze downward. Destiny was looking up at him with concern. "What are you thinking about?"

    "How much danger I've put you in," he responded without thinking. Cursing himself under his breath, he closed his eyes.

    "You haven't put me in danger."

    "Yes, I have."

    "We're stronger together," she insisted. "I feel safer when I'm with you."

    "Palmer's guys nearly got to you because I was with you. How can I forgive myself for that?"

    "Because Palmer and his guys are the only ones to blame for this mess," she said, searching his eyes. "You shouldn't be blaming yourself at all. I wanted to see you as much as you wanted to see me."

    He sighed and shook his head.

    "Do you regret being with me?" she asked, her voice faltering.

    "Of course not," he said firmly. "I just wish we could be together without all of this drama. How long has it been since you've gotten the chance to talk to your parents? See your friends?"

    She fell quiet, probably because there was no denying that she missed her family and friends. 

    He tilted his head back and stared up at the ceiling again. "I'm trying to see past this," he murmured. "Trying to see past this witness protection bullshit, to when you and I get to just... be together in peace. But I can't. It scares me."

    "I'm scared too," she admitted. "But I'd rather be here with you than separated."

    "Hmm," was his only response.

     She lifted her head and stared at him.

    "I feel the same way, of course," he told her. "I just feel selfish for feeling that way. As if being with you is prioritized over keeping you safe. The FBI kept you away from me for a reason. They knew that if you were with me, you were at risk for being hurt again."

    "Even while under their protection, Palmer's gang still nearly got to me," she pointed out.

    "Most likely because they followed me to your house," he countered.

    "You're determined to blame yourself. There's nothing I can say to ease your conscience."

    "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to stress you out."

    "We just had a beautiful moment," she said, lowering her head back onto his chest. "It felt like we were us again. It felt like back before we had any problems with Palmer. Can't we just cling to that? Can't we just...use this time being off the grid as a way to reconnect and enjoy being together again?"

    I'd love that, he thought wistfully. 

    "Worrying about our safety every minute of the day is no way to live," she said. "We're in this beautiful place, in a beautiful house-"

    "Being recorded by a beautiful camera because we have a beautiful team of goons stalking our every move," he muttered.

    She shoved at him and pulled out of his embrace.

    He chuckled and ran a hand over his head. "I'm sorry. Okay?"

    "We've been through too much for me to join your pity party," she said, rolling over and turning her back to him.

    His eyes lowered down the length of her back. With a sigh, he moved closer to her and enveloped her in his arms again. "You're right. Instead of sulking, I should happy to be with you again. More time with you is something I begged God for, and now I have it. I don't want to waste it being negative and pessimistic."

    "Did you see how pretty the ocean was?" she asked. "Our time here could feel like a honeymoon, if we allow it."

    A honeymoon, he mused. The words stuck with him and his eyes tightened around her slightly. "That's a lovely thought," he said, his voice quiet.

    "An extended one, because who knows how long we'll be stuck here," she added. "That's how we should use our time here. Pretending it's our honeymoon and living our best lives, even under these wild circumstances."

     Her words were planting a seed in his mind, one that started growing at a rapid pace. "You're right, as usual," he said, sounding distracted. Because a plan was taking shape. He lovingly kissed the top of her head. 

    "So, you're going to drop the negative Nancy act and enjoy this time with me?" she asked, sounding hopeful.

    "I'm going to do a lot more than that," he promised. It would be his mission to make her forget the real reason they were here.

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