More Life: Chapter Forty-Nine

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    Carlos changed into his swimming trunks at the speed of light, but Rory was nowhere to be found by the pool. Carlos returned to the upstairs hallway where he'd seen the federal agent skulking, but also no dice there. Standing in the hall, he raised his hands to his hips. Did he wuss out? He really seemed to be into it. 

    He turned and noticed that Aubrey's and Destiny's bedroom door wasn't closed all the way. With furrowed brows, he stood staring at the door. It was quiet in the room, and he hadn't passed either of his friends on the way upstairs. Don't intrude on their personal space. Aubrey could be doing some weird training thing where they're butt ass naked and he's challenging Destiny to be quiet as shit. Just because you don't hear anything doesn't mean something is wrong. Turn around and find your man instead of putting yourself into someone else's business. Mind your own.

    Slowly, he turned towards the staircase. His full intent was to walk down those stairs and hunt the agent down...but something was nagging at him. He rolled his eyes heavenward. "Ugh, Aubrey is going to fucking kill me if I walk in on them, but I've got to make sure. The door was completely closed before." He reached out, grabbed the doorknob, turned it, and nudged the door open. 

    He sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of Rory standing in the master bathroom doorway holding a pistol in both hands. Quietly clapping a hand over his mouth to keep from screaming, Carlos moved towards the agent. What the fuck?

    Rory was a statue, frozen in time. Not budging, not moving, thankfully not pulling the trigger on the shiny weapon in his hands. 

    Is the man having a crisis of conscience? Realizing he doesn't want to be a psycho killer in the moment? Carlos sneakily moved towards him and caught a glimpse of Aubrey and Destiny over the agent's shoulder. They fearfully clung to each other, Aubrey with rage in his eyes and Destiny with fear in hers. Once was within arm's reach of Rory, Carlos leaned back and brought his foot up in a sharp kick, planting his foot in the center of the agent's back and kicking with all of his might. 

    The gun went flying in the air, Rory went tumbling, Aubrey and Destiny scrambled out of the tub and scurried past the fallen agent. 

    Once Destiny was safely out of the bathroom with a bunch of sheets wrapped around her, Aubrey returned to the bathroom. "Aubrey!" she cried out, panic seizing her voice. 

    Aubrey gently touched Carlos's shoulder. "Move back."

    Carlos did what he was asked without thinking to question it.

    In a flurry of motion, Aubrey kicked Rory in the ribs. Then he kicked again...and again...and again...only pausing to consider his actions with his foot poised over the paler man's face. Fully prepared to stomp out the life from his eyes, he held his foot over Rory's face. "What the fuck were you doing?!" he demanded.

    Between spitting out blood and letting out pained cries, Rory shouted one name. "Palmer!" Then he collapsed into a fit of tears. "Palmer made me do it! If I don't take you out, he's going to kill my entire family."

    With his bare chest heaving, Aubrey glared down at the agent. He drew an arm across his face and swung his foot away from the agent's face. 

    "I'm sorry!" the agent apologized, with teary eyes and a runny nose. "I didn't want to do it, but I had to do it! I'm...I'm fucking sorry!"

    Aubrey turned his head, his eyes shifting to a terrified-looking Carlos. "Thank you," he said, still breathing heavily. 

    Carlos's eyes scanned down the length of him, because he was still completely naked. "Um... any time. Consider us even."

    With a roll of his eyes, Aubrey hooked a thumb over his shoulder.

    Knowing what that meant, Carlos made himself scarce.

    Standing over Rory with the shadow of his dick settling across the fallen man's torso, Aubrey ran a hand over the top of his head. "You and I are going to have a conversation with Darius," he said. "You're going to tell him everything you know about Palmer. What his plan is, how you contact him, what he has told you to do. Everything. Get the fuck up."

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