Chapter Twenty-Three

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    This was one command Aubrey didn't have to issue twice. Following his order wasn't even something she had to think about. His voice dripped with sex as he spoke the words, and just the thought of tasting him made her mouth water. She felt herself dropping, and her knees hit the floor.

    His footsteps moved away from her.

    She hated not being able to see him and decided that being blindfolded wasn't one of her favorite kinks. Rather than being blind to the world, she'd rather look into his beautiful brown eyes. Heightened senses and awareness was thrilling, but it in no way matched seeing his desire for her displayed across his face. It definitely didn't match watching his corded muscle tense and relax as he undressed...which, from the sounds of moving fabric, he was doing right now. Goosebumps prickled along her arms, and the tips of her breasts hardened.

    "Touch yourself for me," he said, his footsteps drawing nearer to her.

    She parted her thighs and slid one hand between them.

    "As you're touching yourself, I want you to imagine that it's my hand between your legs right now," he said, and now his voice was behind her.  

    Easier said than done, when her hand was connected to her own arm...but she visualized him kneeling in front of her and teasing wetness out of her with his hand. Circling one hand around her throbbing pink pearl, she raised the index finger of her free hand to her lips. A moment later, her finger was pulled out of her mouth.

    He replaced her finger with his much thicker finger. "Suck on it."

    She gently sucked on his finger while pushing her fingers in and out of herself.

    "Does that feel good?" he asked, and he sounded genuinely curious.

    "Mmmhm," she responded, her voice muffled with his finger in her mouth.

    "Do you want to feel better?"

    She nodded.

    "Instead of pretending that my hand is between your thighs," he said, his voice close to her ear, "I want you to pretend that my dick is inside you." She felt his hand in her hair and then he added, "You're going to need more than two fingers for that, by the way."

    While continuing to suck on his finger, she slipped a third finger insider herself and gasped out.

    "Fuck yourself the way you want me to fuck you right now." With those words, he removed his finger from her mouth. He kept one hand in her hair and played in it as she pleasured herself.

    To say that she was turned on would have been a severe understatement. A few nights ago, they'd made love...but tonight, she wanted him to fuck her. It was so bad and so wrong with the house full of friends and family, but tonight she wanted him to make it hurt. To communicate this, she hammered her hand inside of her with short, fast thrusts. She moved her hips back and forth, and didn't realize she was moaning until she was close to release.

    "That's what you want me to do to you?" he asked softly.

    "Yes," she cried out.

    "Shhh...the last thing we need is another breakfast expose'." He was quiet for a moment. Then he asked, "What else do you want?"

    "I want..." She pictured what he looked like right now, naked and golden and beautiful. "I want to see you." 

    "Not a fan of the blindfold, huh?" he asked, laughing.

    "Not when you're the man I'm with," she answered truthfully. "You're too beautiful not to be seen."

    He caressed her hair and moved his hand to the knotted tie at the back of her head. He tugged on one end of it. "You're going to give me a big head if you talk that way."

    The tie drooped down her face and slid down to her collarbone. She almost wished she could put the makeshift blindfold back on, because the sight of him was almost too much to take - especially with an orgasm on the brink of the horizon.

    Dark eyes burning with intensity and framed by thick lashes, bare chest gleaming beneath the bedroom lights, and the length of him so close to her face, she'd be able to taste it if she stuck out her tongue. Well-groomed from head to toe. Perfect fade, perfectly lined and trimmed beard. Chest devoid of any hair whatsoever. Pubic region also groomed to the point where it didn't even look real.

    She hadn't dated many guys, but the few she had dated...she had never wanted to see what they tasted like. They could eat her out to kingdom come, but not once had she truly wanted to return the favor. Until I met this man, she thought, tilting her face up and looking into his eyes.

    He reached down and placed his hand beneath her chin. "And now?" he asked, his voice sounding much like it did when he first woke up in the mornings. Rough, scratchy. "What is it you want now?"

    Her eyes lowered to the tip of him. "I want to drink you up," she said quietly.

    "Then drink up, baby," he encouraged, reaching behind her head and gathering her hair up in his hands.

    She leaned forward and kissed the tip of him. A loving, appreciative gesture before she eagerly took more of him in her mouth. Whenever she did this to him, she loved to watch his reaction. His reactions and facial expressions were priceless.

    He sucked in his breath, and groaned, and tried not to groan (probably for the sake of her parents and Carlos), and groaned some more. With his eyes anchored on her, he mumbled curse words under his breath and wound her hair around his hand. For a time, he would give her complete control over pacing and over how much she was taking in. Then he would take over, and he was using the hand in her hair to move her head back and forth on him...sometimes slowly, sometimes nearly too quickly for her to keep up. When he wasn't sliding down her throat and tasting like the sweetest popsicle, he was pulling himself out of her mouth and tapping the head on her lips. Their eyes were locked nearly the entire time. The few brief periods when their eyes weren't locked on each other, it was because he had to turn his head away from her, most likely to keep from finishing too early. He abruptly pulled back and walked away from her.

    Her tongue darted out and flicked across her lips. She drew the back of her hand across her mouth and stood up. "Tomorrow my family goes home and you start training me again."

    He cast a glance at her while pacing. "Yes."

    "So...tonight is probably the last time that I can misbehave without getting punished for it," she said, walking over to the bed and perching on the edge of it.

    His pacing stopped. He stared at her. "What did you have in mind?"

    She parted her legs and looked up expectantly at him.

    He ran the side of his index finger across his bottom lip while eyeing the waxed clean loveliness waiting for him. Arching a brow, he raised his gaze to her eyes.

    "What is it you want now?" she taunted him with a daredevil smile on her face.

    His eyes lowered and the muscle in his jaw tensed. "I want to drink you up," he said, his voice quiet.

    She crooked a finger at him, beckoning him over. "Then drink up, baby."

    He was across the room in record time, dropping down to his knees and scooping her thighs up in his strong hands. He spread her creamy thighs even wider shortly before sucking screams and passionate moans out of her.

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