Chapter 12: Night at School

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September 2063

The second semester of Taehyung's last year of middle school started. Jungkook's 13 birthday passed with all of their pack, containing now 7 people, enjoying their time in the Funfair.

Soobin got used to being the part of their loud group of friends. Not being so quiet anymore. Yoohyeon took care of it and Yeonjun was whipped as fuck making Taehyung amused most of the times.

Taehyung hadn't realized that his best friend, Jimin, had exactly the same reaction when it came to him and Jungkook.

Jimin knew one thing... Jungkook had huge, untreatable crush on Taehyung. And he couldn't actually hide it. His eyes were so expressive they were screaming his feelings out loud, when he shyly didn't even say a word.

His eyes were like programmed to find Taehyung wherever he was.

In Jimin's opinion Taehyung was either a bit dense in this matter... or... he was hiding very well. Because on the other hand Taehyung was this kind of responsible guy, programmed from early childhood to protect his little sweetheart Koo and maybe it was hard for him to get out of this type of shell.

So Jimin either enjoyed their mutual embarrassment when they tried to hide the stolen glances at each other, or he was facepalming whenever Taehyung tried to be the "responsible" one between them.

Jimin could understand that knowing your soulmate from early childhood, as well as yourself and developing the feelings you knew will come sooner or later and deal with them at the point of being just a brat was probably hard for both of them.

Taehyung's 15 year old mind, heart and body started to react differently to a lot of -previously - innocent things and he was a bit afraid that Jungkook could sense it.

Jungkook being the little jelly bean with a complex of being younger had to deal with a lot of anger taming or full of insecurity, moments.

Jimin could predict soooo many future incidents when his two besties would circling around each other like too anxious, shy, head-over-hills-for-each-other-but-too-dense-to-admitt-it, would be tripping over their own feelings. And his little devilish side couldn't wait for it.

But well... that's why they had him for! He will smack them to reality if he gets tired of their mating dance...

Because Young Master Park Jimin was the master of checking the parts of Internet he was not allowed to check and he was pretty well educated in all the love, romance and sex matters. Reading mature sexy stories was his main source of enterntainment...

And, oh, one of his favourite memory from their third year of Middle School was Taehyung's pricless face expression during sex education classes...

But most of the time they all were just young teenagers doing stupid things, going to school, playing, practicing dance, combat or whatever they came up with. 

In the first week of September the Student Council, including of course Yoohyeon, Jimin and Yeonjun, came up with the idea to organize an event in school.

The School Sleepover!

Instead of an integration excursion they came up with a plan for a bonding event at school. All classes were allowed to attend and the main purpose was to know your classmates more. And for the teachers to trust the newly chosen class presidents. The teachers agreed to the idea, but they of course were supervising the behavior, safety and responsibility of the students. They were checking the classes and corridors from time to time.

The event started on Friday after classes, when the students started to reshuffle the things in the classroom to make space for sleeping bags. Every student was responsible for bringing some food and snacks and each class organized some games. Students could roam around their parts of the school - freshmen on the ground floor in the left wing, juniors in the third floor and seniors in the second floor of the right wing.

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