The Repercussions

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3rd Person POV

After an exhausting order of events, Ash finally made it back home. When he walked in, he was met with a suspicious stare from his mom, but she didn't ask about where he had been. Ash usually left a lot for his duties as Champion, so it wasn't too weird, but it seemed to be different this time.

When he walked upstairs, he saw May waiting for him. 

"Where have you been?" she asked.

"Um...I was doing important Champion stuff" Ash said then internally slapped himself.

May raised her eyebrows.

"No, seriously. I was doing Champion stuff" Ash said.

"What kind of Champion stuff?" 

Ash started to think of a way to explain that he had kidnapped a major terrorist organization's leader by infiltrating a base in Johto in the most normal way possible.

"I took a trip to Johto" Ash said scratching his head.

May pulled out her phone and showed Ash the news. The headlines were talking about how Ghetsis had been captured by an unknown person while he was in Johto and was now in the custody of Lance and the G-Men.

"W-Wow, um, what a coincidence"

"Spill it, Ash" May ordered.

"Ugh...So basically, I was told to spy on Team Plasma, but I just decided to capture Ghetsis. Plus, there was no fighting involved. I just walked in and broke out."

May gave him a 'bruh' look before shaking her head and walking down. Ash sighed in relief and walked into his room. Now that he had captured Ghetsis as well, Lysandre and Lusamine would be very worried.

Knowing Lysandre, he would probably make Lusamine combine her forces with his so they would stand a better chance during an assault. But without Team Rocket's vast manpower and Team Plasma's tech, it was going to be difficult.

Also, when Ash went through the Team Plasma base, Rosa was not there, meaning that she was either with one of the other teams or at another Team Plasma base. He was going to find out who was holding her captive.

All Ash needed to do now was to figure out where Lysandre's base was. Once he figured that out, it was just going to be one last final battle to decide the fate of the of the civilized world. 

'No pressure' Ash thought to himself and climbed into his bed, wanting to get some sleep for the next day. Surprisingly, he decided to skip dinner.

timeskip brought to you by Shiny Celebi

Ash and May made it to school just as the bell rang, so they quickly went to first period. His first class was Pokemon Research, so he had Hilda and Dawn in the class with him. He also had Leaf, Gary, Trip, Calem, and Serena in this class.

All of them, other than Leaf, were trying to stay as far away from Calem as possible. Ash had no clue why Calem was still coming to school even though he was part of some huge plan to take over the regions.

'Maybe Calem being here is part of the plan' Ash thought to himself.

He watched as Calem gave his former friends an evil smile before turning back to the front of the room. Ash enjoyed the look on the bullies' faces in a weird, sadistic way.

"Calem's been weird today" Dawn whispered to Ash. "He's usually loud and obnoxious, but he's really quiet."

Ash had noticed that as well. He decided to not ponder on it too much and went back to Professor Birch's lesson.

During his free period, Ash walked into one of places where there were benches for students to sit and talk. Most of the bullies were there, and Ash sighed and decided to turn back. No matter how vulnerable they were, he wasn't going to forgive them.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Calem walking over to the gang. Ash decided to first observe to see what he would do.

"Hey there, guys" Calem said smiling devilishly. "Have you all been avoiding me lately?"

They all shook their heads.

"Wh-What? N-No we h-haven't" Iris said chuckling nervously.

"Cut the crap" Calem said turning serious. "We all know what you've done. You've gone to the enemy's side. That means you're in my way of domination. I cannot let that happen."

"Look Calem, we didn't want to be part of your plan. You dragged us into it, and we didn't to. So, we did the only thing that we could do" Cilan said.

"It doesn't matter. I'm sure that you remember the terms of our contract. You betrayed me, now prepare to face the consequences. Get ready to meet the Pokemon of Destruction, who will turn you into stone for eternity."

The bullies gulped in fear. Ash kept walking. They deserved whatever happened to them. He wasn't going to help them, that was for sure.

On his way out, he ran into Leaf and Anabel.

"You're just gonna leave them to die?" Leaf asked.

Ash shrugged.

"It's not my problem. They haven't exactly been the nicest, and they weren't even truthful with their own friend. Why should I have to help them?"

"Maybe because you're the Kalos Champion? You kind of have a duty to protect citizens from threats. And I think that the son of Lysandre who has a Yveltal is very much a threat" Anabel replied.


A/N: Another chapter poggers. I'll try to update again soon, but I don't really know exactly when. 900 words cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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