A Fiery Battle

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After a few hours, we landed in Kanto, about an hour away from the Battle Frontier. Once May, Anabel, and I were off the plane, we were quickly met with an entourage of Frontier Security and G-Men.

We were quickly escorted into armored trucks and quickly set off towards the the scene of the action. Once I sat down, I looked to the seat to my left and saw a familiar stubby man in a tropical T-shirt and khaki shorts who was snoring away.

"Scott!" I yelped, surprised.

The man shot up in surprise and looked around in confusion for a moment. Then, his eyes fixated on me and I saw a spark of realization in his eyes.

"Ash!" he said, slumping back into his seat. "I thought I was about to get jumped."

"Sorry about that" I replied, scratching the back of my head.

After a moment, I asked him the question which we both knew the answer to.

"So how are things going?" I asked.

Scott's mood darkened.

"Things have been terrible. Even before all this Team Rocket and Plasma nonsense" he said with a sigh. "Things just haven't been the same these last few months, and I don't know why. We've barely had any trainers come to challenge us, and the ones who do are stupid 10 year olds who think they're something important."

I chuckled and shook my head. I always knew Scott was very critical of his management, but a couple of bad months couldn't have been that awful.

"We're starting to lose our prestige and name around the world, Ash. And I think these teams have something to do with it. It's not just us either, people around the regions have start rioting and protesting the Pokemon League and regional governments. There's a lack of realization for the importance of our authority. People seem to want anarchy, and they're only being fueled by these evil people. There have never been as many volunteers to these teams as there have been in these last 3 months. We need to make a stand, and that starts here, Ash."

I nodded, surprised by Scott's serious attitude and lengthy monologue.

"Well that's why I'm here. I just hope that we're enough to beat them back to the cave they came from," I replied, sitting back.

time skip brought to you by the original Dialga who is somehow alive

Eventually the truck came to a stop, and the back of truck was opened. Scott and I climbed out and watched as the G-Men and Frontier guards went about their task of bolstering defenses.

"I think this is where we part ways, Ash" Scott said, looking up at me. "Hopefully we can talk more in detail in a few days."

I nodded, and we both shook hands before Scott departed to his headquarters.

In the corner of my eye I spotted the truck with May and Anabel pulling up, and I walked over. I watched as the two stepped out, and they seemed to be deep in conversation.

They both turned their heads towards me once they noticed me walking over, and Anabel quickly turned away, not to my surprise. She had been avoiding me even more since we had first started on this journey. 

"How's your ride?" I asked as I pulled May into a hug.

"It was... interesting" May replied as she gave me a peck on the cheek. I raised an eyebrow at the response but didn't comment. 

"We've got to get moving" Anabel said, looking at the two of us. "But we'll have to go on foot, the terrain here is pretty awful for vehicles and it's too risky to use helicopters."

"I've got something better than a helicopter" I said with a smirk as I pulled out a Pokeball. I let it drop to the floor as my loyal orange dragon came out with a thunderous roar.

Anabel nodded, smiling slightly.

"Indeed better than a helicopter, but how are three of us going to fit on your Charizard?"

Before I could interject with the fact that Charizard could definitely carry the three of us, May let out her own Pokeball.

Out came a regal looking Altaria who was big enough to carry one of us.

"I can ride on my Altaria, and Charizard can take you two" she replied, however, there was a telltale smirk on her face that immediately made me get worried.

"Alright..." I said suspiciously before looking at Anabel, expecting her to refuse with disdain.

However, much to my surprise, she didn't seem annoyed, instead she seemed to be, blushing? It was hard to tell when she was blushing, though. Her rosy cheeks could be mistaken for a blush at any moment, and I reprimanded myself for having such a thought.

"Then let's get going" May urged as she got on her Altaria and Anabel and I got on Charizard. In a moment, we were off and I wasn't too hard to tell where the fighting was currently going on. There were huge swathes of smoke bellowing out from several parts of the forest, and I told Charizard to take us to where the largest battle seemed to be happening.

Charizard swooped down in a swift motion, causing Anabel to involuntarily grasp onto my shirt as we raced down towards the ground. 

Once we were flying level as we began to land, I looked back to the purple haired Brain who blushed slightly before letting go of my shirt.

"Your first time flying on a Pokemon?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I don't own any flying Pokemon" she said while smiling sheepishly. 

I chuckled slightly as we came to a landing. The two of us hopped off Charizard as May came to a landing next to us. I spotted what seemed to be a team of G-Men fighting off a group of Team Plasma grunts and sent Charizard to go help them out.

We ran up to the G-Men as they commanded their Pokemon in battle. Charizard quickly turned the tide of the battle with Altaria, and soon the grunts were quickly scampering off in retreat. 

"Thanks for the help" one of the G-Men said as he swiped sweat off his brow. 

"Don't mention it" I replied. "Where's the main fighting at right now?"

"Everywhere, those grunts can't stop us in a head on fight. So they're using their numerical advantage to surprise in groups and split us off. There's fighting going on in a 5 mile radius in just this area. Things aren't looking too great for us right now."

I smirked at the man's disappointed expression.

"Before the week's over, we'll have these fools running off to their mommy's basement."


A/N: New update let's go. 1100 words cya.

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