Chapter 69

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"Take her to the NICU to monitor her. If her sister is born she can come back here," doctor Montgomery said to a nurse. "Why?" I whisper. "There probably is a good reason for that. Don't worry, just focus on your second girl for now. After that you can worry about your first girl," Scarlett whispered back to me.

Liz squeezed my hand. "Your girl is really pretty Y/N. Now get the other one out. After that you can relax," she said to me. "Yeah I know. But I don't believe she will make her entry soon actually. She feels pretty high," I say. "I'll do another ultrasound to make sure everything is alright," doctor Montgomery told us.

"She's in breech position. I have to try and rotate her. Otherwise you're gonna need a       C-section," she said as she cleaned my belly. "Okay do it. Just one question. Is this gonna hurt?" I ask her. "Unfortunately it could hurt you a little, yes. It won't hurt your baby girl. It'll only help her," she said to me.

I agreed on doing it. Tim was being difficult now. He didn't want me to be in more pain than necessary. "You have to shut up you moron. It is my body and I want her to do this. I want to deliver naturally until a C-section is unavoidable and the only safe option. You better shut the fuck up now. You are not the one in pain. I just pushed a freaking baby out. You have no say in this one. She's gonna try. If you don't like it you leave. Go check on our baby girl I don't care. You're not welcome in here if you are gonna disagree with my choices!" I shout. I am so done with that. He better leave if he is gonna be like that.

Doctor Montgomery started giggling. I didn't appreciate that either. "What's so funny?" I ask annoyed. "Sorry, moms in delivery can be brutal and Tim didn't move a muscle. It's sweet to see how much he loves you. Oh and Scarlett, you need to get out of the bed if I wanna do this," she said. It was not funny at all but okay.

"You're gonna feel some pressure while I try to turn your girl. Could you get the ultrasound over here to see if she moves," the last thing was directed towards an intern or a nurse i guess. This is really uncomfortable. "This hurts," I moan in pain. "Stop it," Tim said to doctor Montgomery. "I can't. I have to continue. Otherwise I will hurt your baby too," she said.

She had to try 4 times. "She's in the right position now. You should walk around for a few more minutes so she can get lower and into the birthing canal. Your contractions are most likely to slow down a little until she's in the right position. You have 13 more hours until we need to do a C-section. That's better for the both of you. You have to deliver within 24 hours of your waters breaking. You're almost 8 hours in now. We want some time to make sure everything is okay," she explained to me.

"Okay, let's walk around, shall we?" I ask to Scarlett. I know this hurts Tim but he needed to check on our first girl. "Why can't I go with you?" He asked confused and a little agitated. "So you can look at our other girl," I say to him. "But what if-," he starts. "We'll call you Tim. It's not like she won't be bossing us around," Liz said laughing.

"I have the right to boss all of you around. I'm the one in labour and I'm the one having twins," I snarl to Liz. I was just really annoyed. The turning of my baby was actually really painful. I was able to shout at anyone who did one thing wrong.

After walking around for half an hour my contractions got stronger again. "Stop. I can't walk with this," I say as I bend over a little and squeeze Scarlett's arm. "Maybe doctor Montgomery should check you again. And you should get back into your bed. You need to safe your energy sweetie," she said as she took me back to my room.

"Please get Tim back here. I need him here right now," I moan in pain. My epidural is losing its strength already. My body broke the medicine way too fast I guess. Another possibility was that the pain got worse. I didn't know actually but I was glad to be back in bed again.

"I came as fast as Lizzie called," Tim said when he almost fell over. "You better keep yourself in one piece or I will kill you," I say as I stare him down. "Sorry babe, I'm just a little excited and maybe scared too. I'm afraid something happens to you or our girls. It's just that Taylor's birth was really complicated and she died on the table. I don't wanna lose you," he said to me.

I started crying, I never realised this was hard for him too. "I'm sorry babe," I say to him. "Don't cry, focus on getting her out okay?" He said to me. "I heard your contractions got worse again," doctor Montgomery said as she walked into my room. "It's true. She needed to bend over when we were walking around. She also thought her girl descended a little," Scarlett said for me.

"Well let's do an ultrasound, shall we?" Doctor Montgomery said. "She's a lot lower than before Y/N. I hope she's born soon because you deserve to rest and my mom really wants to meet her grand daughters. She won't stop texting me," he said laughing.

"She is stargazing but when you have contractions you can start to push. But be smart and safe your energy because this will be a difficult one. If you or the baby gets in distress we will do a C-section. Is that okay with you? We can try with a vacuum too but that could be painful for the both of you. She probably will have a headache if we try that. It is 100% safe of course," doctor Montgomery asked me. "Uhm try the vacuum before opening me up please," I say to her.

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