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*Double chapter, check 52 first!!!*

On the morning of the 23rd of June, Delilah woke up gasping from a vision.

A vision that included a motorcycle.

A vision that included Severus Snape.

A vision that included a certain giant.

A vision that included a bright green light.

A  vision that included her dead brother.

A vision that included his dead wife and a small green-eyed boy with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

A vision that included an imprisoned Sirius and a heartbroken Remus.

A vision that included a dead Dorcas and Marlene.

A vision that included a rat with a guilty face.

A vision that included a messily written letter.

A vision that included Regulus' face of regret.

A vision that included her dead.

And in that moment Delilah realized that she was holding everyone's future in her hands.

A responsibility she was never ready for, but of course, fate had other plans.




The part where the author of this book decides to cross out the plot and write her own ending.

surprise, surprise xoxo 

Get ready you all, 60 is a lucky number.

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