Chapter 267

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Hoseok's P.O.V.
It was back to work for all of us. However, we still hadn't found a sitter, to my group's pleasure. "You're okay?"

My wife fixed the blanket over our son, in his carrier. "Yeah, I got him noise cancelling headsets to protect his ears from the sound, later."

That was smart. "I can open the door now?"

She nodded cheerfully. "Yep. I'm ready." When we opened the door, the hyung line was there.

"Look at who we have here." Suga hyung welcomed us. "Ain't that our little man."

Namjoon took him from Ash's hands and out of the carrier. "That's a little rapper right there!"

Eunho's mother laughed. "How can you tell?"

Our leader grinned. "I just know."

Jin interjected. "Woah.. not so fast! He could be a great singer."

"Or dancer." I had to add.

"Boys! He can be all those things or something totally different when he grows up." My lady ended.

That was true. "But he'll be a handsome little man!" Tae said crossing the door. "He already is." He made silly faces at my child.

"Ya~ You'll scare the poor thing." Jimin joked.

When Kook closed the door behind him, Ash asked for our boy back. "Now that uncles and nephew have met, can we start practice? He'll be here all day."

Aecha's P.O.V.
"Didn't find a sitter yet?" Yoongi mentioned after our stretching.

"Well.. A place will open downstairs. I have to wait two weeks. If today goes well, I think I could bring him for that time." I answered.

He smiled. "I'm sure the noonas would love to watch him."

A chuckle. "True.. Ready for a warm-up?"

He seemed a little scared. "What did you have in mind?"

I grinned. "21st century girl?"

"Damn, you're going for old ones." RM laughed after hearing.

I was witty. "And no more dreams then. Want to talk about old. I'll give you old."

We did more than these of course.
My little boy was happily watching with his headset on protecting his ears. For the first time in weeks, the mirrors got foggy. Thank goodness I brought a change of clothes. "Wow.. good job guys! That was great." I picked up my son. "You need food and a diaper change huh? Let me get you fixed."

Hobi put his hand on my shoulder. "I'll do it. Get changed Angel, you have practice with 6.A.C.E.S. in 10 minutes."

Really? "That's sweet, thanks. Can I leave him with you or I hand him to Han?"

Kookie grinned. "Leave him with us noona! He'll be fine."

I knew he'd be more than fine.
"Aecha! I haven't heard from you since you set foot back home." I was greeted with a hug by my friend.

I tightened the hug. "Jun! Yeah.. I'm sorry about that. We have a lot on our plate."

He grinned. "Right, your son. How is he?"

"He's an angel. He sleeps through most nights. We started giving him some solid food like crushed blueberries. He looooves those! I think I'm more anxious about him than he is." I sighed. "I don't sleep much." I let out a small laugh. "Probably should work on that. I want to make sure he's not lacking in anything or in any way."

He chuckled. "No wonder you don't sleep. You're surely doing all that you can for him. I'm not worried."

"Thanks... One thing, however, is that I don't know if I'm ready to show his face to the public. We didn't even share wedding pics yet. Is it selfish to keep him away from this? What do you think?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I'm no father, but I think it's a conversation you should have with your husband."

Right. Right.. Well then. "I'll take note of that." I saw the others pass by the door. "Hey guys! Let's stretch and get ready for practice shall we?"

Hoseok's P.O.V.
Could we really concentrate with that little man? We could. We just didn't want to. The others had so many questions. "How do you like fatherhood so far?" Jin hyung asked.

It demanded a lot of thought and planning sometimes. "Diapers and all? I love it. He's an easy boy too. He doesn't cry too much, he naps well, he's fun to play with. Seeing Ash with him is adorable."

"I can imagine that. Tho, I have a question." Namjoon started. "If you both have to leave on a work trip, what happens?"

Such a killjoy. "Jookhyun can babysit. My sister and my parents too. We can figure it out."

"You seemed to be thinking about something hyung." Kookie said bouncing Eunnie to sleep. "What is it?"

I felt a bit selfish. "I already want another one.. Either way it'll take at least year so why not?"

Tae frowned. "Is noona fine with that?"

She was fine with it, just.. "I think someone is getting pushy about it." Suga hyung said.

He hit it. I went to play with my mini human's hair. "I know that if we actively try, she'll get anxious."  I can't believe I was gonna talk about this. "She's had no period since weeks before our wedding. It's so irregular. She said it herself, if we decide to truly try, we'll have to monitor everything to make sure not to miss an opportunity." And that was the easy part. Thinking about last time, my heart ached. "After that.. I don't know if history will repeat itself."

Jungkook pat my back with his free hand. "Hyung. It might happen again, but you're aware of it. You know what to do about it, how to support her. We're here to help. If noona is okay to try, she knows the risks too."

He was right. I'd address it later.

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