Chapter 288

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Aecha's P.O.V.
"Has the page finished loading?"

What? "Huh? What do you mean?"

My husband put a plate in front of me. "Your face looks like you're loading thoughts. Like this." He made a face.

I chuckled a second and started picking at my food with my chopsticks. "Yeah..Sorry about that."

He seemed worried and sat next to me instead of in front. "Are you feeling okay? Is it something you ate? Something someone said or did."

I kept playing with my meal. "A great thing was proposed to me and I can't wrap my head around it."

He squeezed my shoulder and grinned. "This is great Angel! What is it?"

I handed him the official proposal. "It's a big thing. A dream even! Of course, you know me. Fear of deception."

He read and his smile grew even bigger. "Aecha! You can't say no to this."

"I'm not saying no! It's signed, I'm actually doing it." I admitted.

He was so confused. "Then what's the issue? Key sunbaenim is your friend. Taemin too. OF COURSE they asked for you. You weren't scared for the other times." It wasn't the same thing! "Babe.. your food is getting cold."

I put the chopsticks in my mouth. "I was a backup dancer Hoseok. This time I'm making the dances. It's a long SM contract too. No specific end to it since it's as long as Key oppa is at SM."

He played with my hair. "It's a gift. Take it. Blessings like that don't happen every day. Do as always." He lift my chin up. "Give it all you have, create miracles like you do best and enjoy the ride." A peck on my lips. "You're the most capable person for the job."

That man, I swear. I kissed him back. "Thanks. I'll listen to the songs later to inspire myself." I lifted my plate. "Imma need to heat this."

He laughed. "No kidding!"
Hoseok's P.O.V.
I loved seeing her work. Especially at home. She was in our bureau, headphones in, notepad on the table, pencil in hand, glasses on, hair tied, rocking baby to sleep while mumbling lyrics or move ideas. After standing in the doorway for a while, I got in and placed a bowl of strawberries next to her notebook. She looked up and took her headphones off, whispering. "What time is it?"

I kissed her cheek. "Little past ten. Wanted to check-in on you and see if he fell asleep."

She put a berry in her mouth. "He's been asleep for a while. You can take him. He'll sleep better in his bed." She glanced at her notes. "I have a bit more to do to finish the first song canvas."

Already? Damn! "You're inspired! Need some herbal tea? A blanket?"

She smiled so sweetly. "That bowl is all I need, thanks a lot." She didn't show up in bed until early morning.
"How's your schedule?"

She sipped on her smoothie. "Pretty full actually! We ARE debuting two girl groups and a boy group in the next months. Add that to my outside work now, it's filled."

Seeing the calendar on her phone I was surprised. "Your schedule is fuller than mine! Wow.. I'm gonna need to call you to have lunch or dinner time with you."

Her laugh was everything. "Oh please.. I have from 1pm to 2pm and from 8pm free everyday. We can manage."

Really? "It slows down when?" I scrolled further. "Late March?"

She walked to my seat and kissed my cheek. "It'll be just fine. Promised."

"I was gonna say that you're compensating for the postpartum period happening soon after that." I mentioned.

She giggled. "What? You get a break, I get one too. My contract will end next September and I'm not renewing. We made that clear. I'll focus on our company then."

Boy, she was already planning all that. "I get that, but you don't have to burn yourself out before it happens."

She picked up her jacket. "I know, trust me on this." She waved. "I'll be back by 8pm! Love you!"

Annnnnd... She was gone.

Aecha's P.O.V.
I knocked on the door of the dance room. "Hey, it's Aecha! They told me you'd be here."

The door flew open. "Ash! You said yes! I'm so glad." I got a welcoming arrival.

"Thanks Taemin! I don't have all of it done, but I'm pretty confident you'll like what I have so far." I had to say.

Minho sunbaenim interjected. "I'm surprised they let you do this."

I shrugged. "I would have done everything so I can do this for you guys."

Key stepped in front of me. Could I hug him or did I shake his hand? He answered in an embrace. "Sheesh, don't tense up here. We're friends."

We're friends? We're friends! "Can't help it, let's get started shall we?"
"The guys were no joke. You're a great teacher, not just a great dancer." Onew said.

That was such a compliment. "I appreciate it a lot, thank you."

"That song means a lot to us." Taemin added.

I was curious. "How so?"

"The concept is based on what Jonghyun used to do. Colourful, pop art style." Key answered. "You got the energy of it without knowing which shows how you know our sound."

They trusted me with this? I bowed down. "I won't let you down I promise."

Taemin laughed. "Easy there. Think we aren't happy? We would have said something before we were half done with the dance."

I LOVED my job.

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