Chapter 14: Some Scars Heal

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Hey guys :) Here's the new chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all :D

"Rilos, come here please!" I called desperately.
"I'm here, sweetheart, you can open your eyes. He's gone." he said touching my shoulder with his nose.
"I know," I cried, pulling my arms over his neck. "I'm just... I just... I'm sorry. I know I have no reason to be scared of this man, or any man, but it's like my mind acts on its own."
"You don't need to justify yourself. You're scared of men for a reason, a damn good one. It doesn't matter if you need time to get over it. Even if it takes you a lifetime, I'll always be by your side supporting you."

When Satie arrived, I was still hanging to Rilos, tears falling in his fur.
"What happened? Why is she crying like that? Did you hurt her, Rilos? If you did, I swear you won't live another day."
She tried to pry me off of Rilos, but I was hanging on. No! I want him! Let me go!
"Calm down, Satie, and let her go. It seems she wants to stay close to me for the moment. Do you think she would be clinging to me like that if I was the one that did something to her? I was taking a shower when Krolor entered, not knowing Lyra was here, and seeing him terrified her."
"I will kill him. How dare he scares her like that? She can't even talk, change or use her power. How dangerous can she be?"
"He didn't know that. It's my fault I should have tell him not to come in my room as long as ordered. He is my butler after all. He must have heard me sing in the shower and thought I was staying here again."
"You were singing in the shower?"
"Did I say that? I don't think I did."
You did, he sings very well too, I sniffled.
"You little traitor." he said, looking at me smiling.
"He does sing well, honey. It's just that we haven't heard him sing since he started searching for you."
Why did you stop singing?
"I stopped singing because I was so concerned with your safety being possibly at risk, which was the case, that I didn't have the heart to sing. You could have been anywhere. In the end, I searched in all the wrong places first and you had to endure so much."
I took his face in my hands.

"You didn't know where I was because I didn't tell you. Someone told me recently to focus on making our future brighter. Help me get over this trauma and don't blame yourself for what happened to me. Blame those who hurt me."
"Phylana told you this, didn't she? She would say something like that, even though she's a history teacher and her power is psychometry."
"Thank you for being there, Rilos."
"Thank you for being so optimistic despite what happened. Thank you for trusting me."

I kissed his nose and he lapped my face in response. I cried all over you, maybe you should take another shower.
"It's fine. I'll go do my speech, I think it is more than necessary now. I will make the announcement first, to see if wolves of other territories want to come here and make the preparations to welcome them. I will tell my staff that this room is off limits, mentally and physically, except for Phylana, you and me. I will teleport the meals myself. Do any of you need anything?"
My stomach growled at this very moment. Well, this is embarrassing.
"It's normal to be hungry, sweetheart. We haven't had breakfast yet and you had quite an eventful beginning of a day. What would you like to eat?"
I don't know, ham?
"Ham it is. Potatoes, eggs and hot chocolate too?"
Yes, please.
"Satie, do you need to eat or did you already ate?"
"I ate before all this happened, but thank you for asking."
Breakfast appeared, along with a table and two chairs. You don't have a chair, Rilos?
"Lyra, I'm in my wolf form. I don't fit on a chair."
So you're going to eat on the floor?
I looked at him and got up. I took a cushion, placed it beside him and sat on it.
"What are you doing, sweetheart?"
I'm eating with you, obviously. I was still shaken up and being close to him felt reassuring.
"The floor is dirty, go eat at the table."
I looked at him, dead in the eyes. Make me.
"Look at her, defying you like it's nothing. You are the only one who does that, Lyra, besides the other Alphas, but only you would ignore a direct order. The kingdoms are going to love you. The Alphas too."
Yeah, maybe except the Northern wolves who are going to be mad that I took away their Alpha and his son.
"You didn't took them away. I did, but it was the result of their own actions that made them fall from their position. An Alpha protects its pack, every member of it. He does not encourage torture but eliminate threats. You never were a threat, his son was."
"Plus, separating soul-mates is one of the worst crime a werewolf can commit. There is so little of you that you should be cherished, not separated. Keeping soul-mates apart is like cutting someone in half over and over again. No one wants to force that kind of pain on anyone."
I had finished eating, still sitting beside Rilos. I think I'll go take a shower now.
"Good idea. I'll go talk to the employees and prepare my speech."
He pushed me towards the bathroom door. I entered and closed the door behind me. I stripped and looked in the mirror. The scars on my body had disappeared but I was still unable to talk or change. The scars on my soul would take a lot more time to heal. Hopefully with the help of Rilos, they would heal faster. Looking carefully, I saw that I had put on some weigh. I was fuller now and my bones were less visible. I smiled at my reflection and entered the shower. The water was hot and relaxed me instantly. I searched for the shampoo and soap, but only found male ones. I opened it and smelled it. I chuckled, it smelled just like Rilos. I should have expected that, since these were in his bathroom. I would have been more concerned if there only had been women's shampoo. Seeing no other option, I washed myself with them. I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Satie?
"Yes, darling?"
Is Rilos gone?
"He left while you were taking your shower. You can come out."
I opened the door and walked to the closet. I selected a black dress and put it on.
"What do you want to do before Rilos' speech? I have brought some new books if you want to read."
I would like that. I took the books and sat on my bed. From time to time, I smelled my hair and smiled because it was like Rilos was here and it made me less lonely. At about 5pm, I heard Rilos' voice resonating inside the bedroom.

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