Chapter 39: Light Will Guide You

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Hey guys! Sorry it took so much time for this chapter to be up, I had an exam and two lab reports to do  :( Only three weeks left, though :) Have fun reading it and, as always, love you all <3 Don't forget to vote and comment!

The shower walls came crashing down and cut the skin on my arms, legs, neck and face. I didn't care. I only thought about one thing: It was my fault. I must have been quite a sight because, when the girls came in and saw me, they started screaming. Kylanne ran towards me and put her hands on my throat.
"Felia, go fetch Nerika! Quick, she's losing a lot of blood!"
She was right. My skin was tinted red. I felt weak and my eyes were slowly closing.
"The bleeding doesn't stop. She isn't healing fast enough. Lyra, you have to stay with me! Don't close your eyes! Come on... Lyra... Lyra....ra."
Darkness. I could hear voices. Some were trying to make me plunge deeper in the dark. Some were trying to bring me towards the light. I didn't know which ones I was supposed to follow. Darkness was death. Did I want to die? I thought about what I would leave behind. Kylanne, Felia and Sanaelle. Satie, Phylanna, Ylna and Nerika. Rilos. I couldn't do it. I couldn't die. I would take Rilos with me and that wasn't fair. I turned around to walk towards the light, but I couldn't see it anymore. I ran and ran until I fell from exhaustion. How did this happen? I don't remember walking that far from the light. Suddenly, I heard something. A faint sound that was getting closer and closer.
"Lyra? Are you here sweetheart? Please be here."
It sounded like Rilos, but the voice was different. Neutral, not masculine. I'm here, although I'm not quite sure where "here" is. I'm lost. I don't know what to do or where to go.
"It's me sweetheart. I changed my voice. I figured that you were still scared. Thank the stars you didn't go too far. I wouldn't have been able to bring you back. Don't worry, I'll find you."
How can you find me when I don't even know where I am?
"I told you before, didn't I? No matter where you are, I'll always find you because you're a part of me."
His voice had become much closer while he was talking. I spun around and saw a silhouette made of light. Is that you?
"Yeah. I thought that it would be less scary this way."
I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I hid my face in my hands, sobbing.
"No, no, no, sweetheart."
It is. She didn't smell like you. I should have known. I should have noticed, but I didn't, and now, I'm scared to look at you, again. My hands were removed from my face by him. How did you do that? You're only light.
"I would do anything for you even if that means making light touchable. What happened is not your fault and, if I have to shove that forcefully in your brain to make you understand, I'll do it. You didn't ask to be born powerful. You didn't ask to be beaten and raped. You didn't ask to be cornered until the only safe place you found was your own mind. You are not responsible for what people with sadistic and deranged mind have done to you without your consent. Am I hurting? Yeah, a lot. But it is not your fault. It's Henina's. I'll wait for you to be ready. I've done it before; I can do it again."
Why are you so nice to me? I've just been set back to the beginning.
"You're my soul-mate. Even if I wanted to, you mean so much to me that I would never even try to hurt you. Beside, I think that after what you went through, you need love, not pain. Come on."
He took my hand, kissed my forehead and everything around us became white. I gasped opening my eyes. I was back in my bedroom. There was something around my neck. No, please don't be what I think. It felt like the necklace I had for so long. I reached to it, my fingers trembling, and ripped it off frantically. I looked at what was now in my hands. It wasn't a necklace; it was some white bandages. Well, more red than white. Right, I had opened my neck after the shower exploded. The sun was nowhere to be found. How long had I been out cold this time?
"Almost 24 hours. You scared us really badly, Lyra."
Whoa! Satie, you scared me. I didn't see you. She came closer and sat on the edge of my bed.
"Lyra, first you need to know that we didn't tell Rilos what happened with the shower. So, can you tell..."
"Wait, Rilos is back?"
"Yes, and he was so mad, Lyra, you have no idea."
"He was mad at me?"
"No, at Henina. He didn't know that you were conscious again before the accident. He thought that what she had done had sent you to the verge of death. He thought you were dying and decided that Henina would go first. He toyed with her for five hours before killing her."
"Did he... did he raped her?"
"No, never. Even if he was insane, Rilos would never rape someone. He merely ripped her arms, legs and heart and waited for them to grow back, only to do it all over again."
"For five hours?"
"He was so angry and sad. I understand him a little, but I don't know half of how much pain he was in."
"Why did he stop and why didn't you tell him what happened?"
"The Judge told him to stop, but he didn't want to and started to growl at him. We thought that he went into an animalistic state and he would not snap out of it. His ears twitched just a little after, like he was listening to something, and he decapitated her. He disappeared right after. We didn't tell him about your consciousness because we wanted to speak with you first."
"How long ago was the fight?"
"About an hour."
So it was me that he heard.
"Lyra, I need to know something and I want you to be completely honest, okay?"
I nodded.
"Did you try to kill yourself when you made the shower explode?"
"No or, at least, not consciously. I didn't make the shower explode on purpose either. I was just out of it, I guess."
"I believe you, but I think that you will not have a lot of privacy from now on."
"It's okay. I don't want to... I don't want Rilos to die."
"Do you want to see him?"
"NO! No, please. I'm scared. I know he saved me, but I... I can't. I'm not ready. I'm scared. I'm so scared, Satie. I know that it's stupid, he didn't do anything, but I just can't."
"Oh, honey. It's not your fault."
"It is! Everything that happened to him was because I exist."
"Don't say that. He is so much more happier since you came. In love, like in this world, Lyra, you can't have light without darkness. At night, even if clouds hide them, the stars are scattered in the sky to make you remember that there is happiness waiting. You just have to make the clouds disappear to see it."

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