Chapter 15: Telling the Population

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Another update in less than 24 hours? What is this madness? Enjoy this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it :)

"Hello wolves of all provinces. I thank the Alphas who were able to come on such short notice. Due to an incident that happened this morning, I had to make this announcement as quickly as possible. As you know, I have a soul-mate. What you might not know is that I have finally found her. Her name is Lyra."
Cheers and congratulations were heard.
"Thank you. Finding your soul-mate is like finding the half of your heart you've been missing your whole life and depriving someone of that is horrible and illegal. That is the reason why I am talking to all of you right now. When I felt her for the first time, I thought I would find a baby, which is when you normally find your soul-mate, but when I projected myself to see her, how surprised was I for her to be, at least that's what I thought at the time, 16 years old. She talked to me, but didn't give me any information on how to find her. I searched, as some of you might know, everywhere. After 3 months, I found her. She was being beaten and raped by Cyrian and his son Mikyan as well as four of their patrol men. Cyrian had used his powers to hide her from me for 18 years. We had been forced apart for 18 long years. Of course, I invoked the Dula on all of them. The trial will begin when Lyra gets better from the abuse she has been victim of. For the remaining time, those men will be imprison here and their power were taken away. Last night, Lyra was attacked by someone working with them while in her dreams. I want to know who did that to her. If that person comes forward in the next 24 hours, I will be lenient on the punishment. From now on, anyone who attacks her will be severely punished. She is my soul-mate and I will kill anyone who hurts her. Thank you. If anyone has questions, ask them now."
"Can we see her?" asked Zynelle.
"For the moment, I'm afraid that she is too traumatized to see men. What happened in the jails of the Northern kingdom has affected her to a point where if she sees a man, she will break down."
"Is she okay with women? Does that mean that you have not seen her since you have found her?"
"She is okay with women but I have seen her since then. She is okay with me as long as I am a wolf. We communicate by telepathy, since she is unable to talk. I can show you what she looks like, but you'll have to settle for how I see her."
Yes's were shouted from everyone in the room. I saw myself in my mind. I was smiling and my purple eyes were shining. I was sitting in a chair in front of a window, wearing a blue dress and my hair were curling down my back. I connected my mind to Rilos' and said:
"I do not look like that. I'm not nearly as beautiful as you are showing them."
He laughed.
"Lyra just told me that she isn't that beautiful but I can assure you that it's exactly what she looks like."
"Wait." said Ylna. "You said that she is not able to talk? Why is that?"
"Whenever she would talk, Mikyan would beat her unconscious. I guess that has affected her deeply."
"Who does that to another werewolf? Tell her that we can't wait to meet her and hope that she gets better soon."
"She can hear you, actually. I'm transmitting the conference to her room."
Voices fused from everywhere, wishing me to get better. Some even told me that they would kill those who had done that to me. I was crying. Maybe werewolves were inherently good and I had just been raised by the only mean ones there were in this world.
"She's saying thank you for the wishes. She's crying right now. Thank you all for coming and listening to what I had to say. Supper will be served now. Ylna, Zynelle and Prior, if you would come sit closer, please."

"Hey, sweetheart, do you want me to send you food now?"
"Yes, thank you."
"Are you still crying?"
"That's a lie."
"I'm almost done crying. I'm just very emotional for some reason."
"It's okay, you don't need to justify yourself. You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"I know."
"Good, here's your food. Eat well, Lyra."
"Yes, sir." I chuckled.

Food appeared on the table next to me. Satie, the food is here.
"What are we eating?"
Steak, rice and vegetables.
She sat next to me and we ate enthusiastically.
"I'll go return the plates to the kitchen. Is that okay with you, honey?"
Sure, no problem. Can I go to the balcony to have some fresh air?
"Of course. The balcony is still protected so you can go."
Thank you. She left with the plates. I opened the balcony door and stepped outside. The wind was chilly and brought a smell of flowers to my nose. I wished I could go in the garden and see them. I knew I couldn't go out. This morning's incident had reminded me how traumatized I still was. I couldn't even see my own soul-mate in human form as I was too terrified of men. A tear fell from my eye. Could I ever see a man without having draw-backs? I went back inside, drying my eyes and bumped into Rilos who was sitting there. His ears were drawn back.

"Why are you sad, Rilos?" I asked, sitting in front of him.
He put his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.
"I'm sad because you're sad. I love you and I don't like seeing you like this. Care to tell me what made you feel this way?"
"I went outside and smelled flowers. I wanted to go in the gardens but I remembered what happened this morning. I also remembered that I can't see you while you're human because of what Sadist did to me. It made me sad because I figured that it must make you sad as well, not being able to be human with me."
I started crying again.
"Hey, hey. Don't cry, Lyra." he said, lapping my tears. "You're already better than how you were when you first came here. You weren't okay with me being there, human or wolf. Now you let me be human in a room next to you and while you sleep. That's a huge progress and if I have to stay as a wolf to be with you, so be it. I will be happy as long as you are with me."
I sniffled and rubbed my nose against his.
"You always know what to say, don't you?"
"I try," he smiled. "Now, since you can't go out yet, I'll try something. Come with me."

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