Life Doesn't Revolve Around Basketball (E.O)

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Y/N pov

I was at home in our driveway with our daughter Anna practicing her free throws. She is only 14 years old and I am in my final season before I retire from playing for LA Sparks. Lizzie is currently out grocery shopping while I observe the Anna play.

"Come on Anna. 30 free throws in a row. If you can make every free throw you will be the best of the best." I told her as I watched from the basket. "If you miss one I want you to start again." I told her sternly as she just nodded before she made her first one. I smiled as I watched her. She managed to do 15 before she missed one. "Again." I spoke as I passed her the ball.

"But my arms are tired." She whined at me.

"Come on kid. You can do this and be better than I ever was." I encouraged her. She managed to do another 18 before she missed again as Lizzie pulled into the drive.

"Hi my babys." She smiled as she got out of the car. We both greeted her before I turned back to Anna.

"We will do some conditioning tomorrow but for now let's help your mum bring in the groceries." I told her sternly as we both walked over to help Lizzie. Lizzie gave me a soft kiss before she hugged Anna. Lizzie asked us both how our day's went and we told her. I could tell that Anna was tired as we ate dinner together.

"Anna sweetie, go have a shower and go to bed. You look exhausted." Lizzie told her softly.

"But what about the dishes?" She asked nervously.

"I'll do them and then we will wake up early and go for a run on the beach tomorrow." I told her as I cleared the table.

Lizzie's pov

I watched Y/N's and Anna's interaction and noticed how hard they were being on our daughter. I love that they both love the game but I feel that Y/N is pushing her too hard. I can see how exhausted Anna is so before I return to my wife I go upstairs to check on her. I knocked on her door and waited for her to acknowledge me. When she did I saw her sat on her bed with her damp hair as she was scrolling on her phone.

"Are you ok sweetie?" I asked her as I sat by her feet.

"I guess." She groaned as she placed her phone in her lap.

"What's going on?" I asked her softly.

"It's mama/papa, they are really pissing me off lately." She said slightly agitated.

"How so?" I asked her.

"They keep pushing me really hard. It's like there is no room for mistakes where Basketball is concerned." She told me sadly.

"They just want you to be the best you can be." I told her as she shook her head.

"If they want me to be the best I can be, they should cheer me on, encourage me not berate me and push me to a point where I am starting to hate the game." She told me with tears in her eyes. I held her as she let them slip before I wiped them away.

"I will talk to them." I told her softly as I kissed her forehead. I left her room for her to sleep before I went downstairs to the kitchen to find Y/N drying their hands. "We need to talk." I told them sternly.

"Ok." They said as they turned around to face me. I took a deep breath before I started to talk.

"You do realise that you are making our daughter hate a sport that she has loved since she could play with you. She looked up to you. She used to go around in one of your jerseys saying how she wanted to be her mama/papa. But right now you are making her hate the game and she is starting to resent you. You are supposed to support her and not train her like she is in some sort of prison camp." I told them as they just raised their eyebrow.

"I am only trying to help her be the best she can be." They tried to reason with me as I shook my head at them.

"No you are not. You are trying to make sure that you don't lose your glory days because this is your last season so you are trying to live them through our daughter." I told them angrily.

"You don't know what you are talking about Elizabeth." They said through gritted teeth.

"Why are you pushing her so hard? Can you at least tell me that." I asked them.

"I want her to be better than I ever was. I know she can be." They sighed as they ran their hand through their hair.

"Then you need to stop being so harsh on her. She will be the best she can be on her terms not yours." I told them softly as they nodded.

"I just, I don't know what I am going to do after this season. Basketball has been my whole life." They said quietly as I wrapped my arms around their neck.

"You have got Anna and me. We will help you find out what you want to do." I reassured them as they hugged me.

"Is she still awake? I should apologise." They said as I nodded. I held their hand as we walked up the stairs to Anna's room. We knocked and heard a faint come in. I remained by the door as Y/N sat at the edge of the bed. "I need to apologise." They started as they inhaled a sharp breath. "I am so sorry for pushing you too hard. All I ever wanted was for you to do well, go further than me and thanks to your mum, I have realised that I am going the wrong way about it."

"It's ok. I understand mama/papa." Anna said as she hugged them. "I just need to do it on my terms. I need to learn my own bodies limitations and push them. I have a coach at school so I don't really need to have one here. I just need you to support me and cheer me on."

"I will do that from now on. I don't want you to lose your love for something that we share because of me." They said as they kissed her head. "Now get some rest and have a lie in tomorrow." They told her making her smile. Y/N walked back over towards me as we exited Anna's room before heading to our own room.

"I am so proud of you baby." I told them making them smile.

"I should have done that sooner. She didn't deserve me being like my own father. I should have made sure that she didn't have to live my past." They said quietly. I kissed them gently before we both got ready for bed.

"The conversation that you have just had with her just proves that you are not your father." I told them as I hovered above them. "You are so much better. You are retiring this season and you managed to make it further than he ever did." I told them as I pressed a kiss to their lips before laying down on top of them getting myself ready for my slumber.


First one shot  of the new book. Let me know what you guys think. I will also take requests for Lizzie's other characters

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