Let Her Go (W.M)

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It was no secret that Y/N was in love with Wanda. They loved everything about her. They fell in love with her when they were in high school together. But Wanda never saw them like that. They were just a friend to her. They helped her through her very first heartbreak. Even when they left school and took on different careers. Y/N joining the military, wanting to be away from watching Wanda move on with another man.

When she met Vision, she was in college. She was drawn to him. Like they were magnets. Y/N watched as it all happened in between bootcamp when they came home to visit Wanda and their other friends and family. They weren't alone when they joined. Maria joined the military with them. She knew why they joined but never brought it up. It was a sore subject.

The one thing that made it worse was when they witnessed him propose to her in front of all of their friends. Both Maria and Y/N had been home for a few weeks from tour in Iraq. All they could do was smile for their best friend.

"You will be there for my wedding. You will walk me down the aisle?" Wanda asked them as she hugged them.

"Of course I will be." They told her. As much as their heart broke at the sight of her being with another, they were happy for her. She was happy with Vision. They could see that she was in love with the tall blonde.

"You're the best." She told them as she hugged them once more before being whisked away by her colleagues.

"Are you sure you want to do that Y/N?" Maria asked them as they sighed.

"She is happy Maria. That is all I want for her, and I have to let her go." They told her. She could tell that they were pained by losing her forever.

"Hopefully they will drag our asses on tour in time for the wedding." Maria joked as Y/N chuckled.

The pain never got easier for them. Wanda wanted their help with organising the wedding. So they put on a brave face for her.  They only wanted her to be happy.

"So how is the planning?" Maria asked them when they went for their morning run together.

"It's going." They told her.

"You do realise I can see right through you." She told them when they came to a stop. "I know that this is killing you inside."

"It is killing me. It kills me knowing that I will never make her as happy as he does." They groaned as they took a sip of their water. "But I just can't let her down."

As the two were talking both of their phones went off simultaneously. It was their commanding officer notifying them of their return for duty.

"So a rescue mission." Y/N said as they both entered their shared apartment.

"Yeah. Are you going to tell Wanda?" She asked them.

"Tell me what?" They heard Wanda ask the two.

"We've been called up." Maria said before she left the two.

"What about the wedding?" She asked them as Y/N sighed as they went to their room with Wanda on their heels.

"I don't know. You will still get married." They told her as they started to pack their things ready amd make sure their uniform was ready.

"But you're supposed to be walking me down the aisle." She told them as she watched their every move.

"You can have Nat or Clint do it." They told her as she scoffed.

"Why?" She asked them making Y/N confused. "Why did you even join the military?"

"Because I was never going to amount to anything else." They told her. "I don't have much to keep me here."

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