Colour Blind (E.O)

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Requested by Lucastrans2006

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Y/N and Lizzie had been married for a couple of years, and since Lizzie's career has slowed down a little since L & D, the two wanted to try for a baby. Y/N was currently in their art room, making another drawing. Because of their condition, they only work with charcoal and art soothes them after a hard day at the office.

Lizzie was currently in her room, sat on the edge of the bed biting her finger nails. She was two weeks late for her period which had prompted her to get a test. Once the timer had gone off, she took a deep breath. Hoping it will relax her before she looked at the result.

"I'm pregnant." She whispered with a smile as she held the stick. As much as the couple had spoken about having kids of their own, she was still nervous about telling them.

"What if they have eyes like me?" Y/N questioned as Lizzie just smiled.

"They would be loved all the same." She leaned up and pressed a kiss to their lips.

"So you wouldn't care?" They asked her quietly as she shook her head no.

"I love you Y/N and if they came out a carbon copy of you, I would love them as much." Lizzie told them reassuringly making them smile.

She stood in the doorway, watching as they were completely lost in the art. A smile on her face seeing how happy they were.

"Baby?" Lizzie spoke softly, causing Y/N to turn and face her. "I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Y/N asked as they wiped their hands clean. 

"I'm pregnant." She told them. She watched as their eyes widened. Lizzie watched as they processed everything.

"You're." They pointed at Lizzie. "We're." Lizzie shown them the test as they nodded, breathing erratically.

"Y/N!" She screamed as Y/N fainted, banging their head on the ground. Lizzie tapped their face before grabbing her phone, calling 911.

Y/N woke up in a bright room and a worried Lizzie beside them. Squinting as they watched her on her phone as she kept a hold of their hand with her other.

"Liz." They whispered causing Lizzie to drop her phone.

"Oh my god. How are you feeling?" She asked them.

"My head hurts." They groaned as Lizzie pressed a kiss to their forehead. "And you're pregnant."

"You have a mild concussion." Lizzie told them. "They just want to keep you in for observation before we can go home."

"And you are pregnant." They spoke louder as Lizzie nodded with an unsure smile.

"I am." She spoke quietly. "How do you feel about that?" She asked them.

"I was shocked at first. You know I still have insecurities about them having this." They pointed to their eyes. "But I am also excited to start a family with you."

"Me too." She whispered as she kissed their lips. "But this is going to be an amazing story to tell." The two chuckled before settling into a comfortable conversation.

As the weeks went on, the two had decided to have a gender reveal party after the 20 week scan. Wanting their family and friends around them as they found out.

"Is everything ready?" Lizzie asked as Y/N finished with the last tray of mini cakes.

"It is going to be perfect Lizzie." They reassured her before they decided to get the huge popper and head into the yard where everyone was gathered.

"Hi, I just want to say thank you all for being here and sharing this wonderful day with us." Lizzie started as she turned to Y/N.

"Nope. You had my vows a few years ago, you don't get another speech until this one's graduation." They stated as they placed their hand on Lizzie's small bump.

"Ok then." Lizzie chuckled at them. "Let's do this." Everyone watched in anticipation as Y/N pulled the string. Everyone squealed and cheered as their was pink confetti flying everywhere.

"What was it?" Y/N asked her as they looked confused. "What are we having?"

"A girl. A baby girl." Lizzie told them as she wrapped her arms around their neck.

"I am getting a little Lizzie." They whispered with tears in their eyes. "We're getting a mini you." They pressed a kiss to her lips as everyone continued to cheer for the couple. Well soon to be family.


Here is a one shot. Please let me know what you think

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