Forgetful (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

I woke up today with a heavy feeling in my chest. Y/N has been forgetting a lot lately. Even forgetting to show up for work or picking the kids up. She has been out with the lads last night and I don't remember her coming home. I know that there is something wrong because this isn't who she is. She has always been punctual and never let anyone down. The kids were staying at Scarlett's last night while Y/N was out because we know how loud she can be. I went to go and get the mail and saw Y/N sat leaning against the wall with tear stains down her cheeks. 

"Y/N, baby?" I called out as she woke up with a start. She took a deep breath before she answered me.

"I tried to use the key to get in and it wouldn't work. I thought you changed the locks." She said shakily as I just gave her a gentle smile. 

"I would never do that baby." I told her as I helped her up. "And that is the back door key." I pointed out as she shook her head disappointed in herself.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as I know for sure we need to see a doctor. I made some breakfast before making a quick appointment before calling Scar.

"The kids are still alive." She said as soon as she answered the phone. 

"That's good to hear. Maybe you can keep them alive for another day then?" I asked her.

"Of course. Is everything ok?" She asked me with concern laced in her voice. 

"It's Y/N. She forgot what key was the door key last night and slept outside all night. I called Chris and he said that she wasn't even drunk last night. She didn't touch a drop of alcohol." I told her as she hummed.

"I'll take them as long as you need." She said since she has seen first hand what it has been like. My wife has slowly started to lose her mind and we have all watched it before our eyes. I decided to get myself ready as Y/N sat there looking lost on the edge of the bed. 

"I'm sorry Lizzie." She whispered as I knelt in front of her. She had tears falling down her face that I reached up to wipe away. "I don't know what's going on with me. I hate this. I hate doing this to you and the kids."

"Hey, don't you dare apologise for something you have no control over. We are in this together ok. We are going to go and see a doctor to get to the bottom of this. In sickness and in health right?" I said hoping to see a smile on her face. 

"Right." She whispered before she stood up. I need to get myself washed up." She said as she made her way towards the bedroom door. 

"It's the other door baby." I told her softly as she nodded before going to the other. I waited for her to be ready before we got to our appointment. I hated seeing her like this. The drive was quiet, just the low music playing in the background as she looked outside the window. Once we pulled up and got out of the car, I held my hand out for her to take which she did. We walked inside together as I gave in her name. To be honest, I was extremely nervous. When we were called in to see the doctor, I just wanted to leave myself not knowing what's going to come of all of this. 

"So care to tell me what the problem is?" They said as they gave the two of us their full attention. 

"Well, my wife has been experiencing forgetful episodes. She's missed out on work a lot, she has gotten ready for it and then she has just forgot. She has also forgotten to pick the kids up from school and just last night she forgot how to get in the house." I informed them as they typed on their computer

"How long have these symptoms been going on for?" They asked me. 

"Almost 3 months now." I told them as Y/N seemed to be spaced out. The doctor hummed before directing their attention back to us. 

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