I Don't Need It Anymore (W.M)

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Y/N pov

Wanda and I were happy together, like really happy. That was until Vision happened to steal a lot of my girlfriend's time. Our movie nights barely happened anymore, we would barely talk and she would hardly stay in my room with me. I walked around the compound to see if I could find her only to find her laughing and cooking in the kitchen with Vision. Fucking Vision. I decided to use my confidence to at least try to talk to my girlfriend. 

"Wanda, can I talk to you?" I asked her, catching both of their attentions. 

"We are kind of busy Y/N." Vision spoke up making me angry.

"I was asking MY girlfriend Vision." I told him through gritted teeth before turning to face her. "Wanda?" I gestured to the elevator. She nodded with a small smile before she told Vision what to do with the dish they were cooking together. She followed me up to my room and closed the door behind her. 

"Y/N, what is it?" She said impatiently making me clench and unclench my fists trying to keep my cool. 

"Let me guess, you need to go back to your precious Vision. That's why you barely see me anymore." I chuckled humourlessly. 

"Well yeah, I was cooking dinner for everyone with him." She said in a duh tone.

"Yeah he is the only one that you spend time with lately." I told her as my anger started to rise. 

"What do you mean? We still spend time together." She said confused as I just scoffed.

"WHEN??" I shouted not having any control over my temper. "When was the last time we had a movie night, the last time we cuddled or went on a date. Heck when was the last time we had sex and slept in the same bed Wanda because I sure as hell don't remember." 

"Seriously? Are you jealous of Vision and I spending time together Y/N!" She shouted back. "He is my friend. My best friend just like Nat is to you." 

"I don't spend all of my time with her and I would drop hanging out with her to spend time with you if you asked me to. So don't you dare say that." I told her. My temper reaching a boiling point. 

"Of course you would." She spoke sarcastically.

"Yeah I fucking would because it is you I am in love with and who I want a family with but I can't say that you feel the same way anymore." I told her through gritted teeth. I looked as she had a guilty look on her face as she avoided my gaze. "You don't love me anymore." I stated just by reading her body language. She looked at me sadly before she tried to approach me which I just shook my head at her.

"I never meant for it to happen." She told me sadly.

"It's him isn't it? Did you cheat on me with him?" I asked her emotionless. 

"No! I would never cheat on you. You know that's not me." She spoke confidently. "It's just that there is a connection between us. Stronger than what we had and I don't know how but I stopped thinking of you like that. You became more of a friend." 

"Ok then." I nodded as I will for my tears to not fall. I turned around to my draw and took out a velvet box. "Our third anniversary was coming up next week and I had planned a special day for you, so than when we finished the date dancing on the beach I would get down on one knee and ask you to spend the rest of our lives together." I told her sadly as my fist clenched around the box. "But I guess I don't need it anymore so give it to Vision to propose with because I don't want it anywhere near me." I told her as I shoved the box in her hand and walked away from her out of my room. 

"Hey Y/N/N, Vision said dinner's ready." Peter spoke as he walked beside me. 

"Well I have some business I have to take care of but be sure to eat it all kid. You need your strength." I told him with a tight lipped smile. I walked past everyone in the kitchen and headed for the exit. I got in my car and drove to a bar. I made sure it was one that I had never been to before and ordered drink after drink. I hated what I have become all because of her. 

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