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Requested by Yeah_NO_SHIT

Male Reader

Y/N Y/L/N joined the Avengers when Steve had found him. He was just a kid when he went under the same experiments that himself and Bucky went under. So Steve felt responsible for him. Feeling a sense of tranquility as he helped the teen. Trained him and gave him a home among the Avengers. Nat trained him with more hand to hand combat, Tony taught him engineering and Clint had shown him how to use a bow and arrow.

Steve was proud of the young man he was coming to be. Only when he first met the Maximoff twins as he helped Tony and Bruce with the cradle.

"You don't know what you're doing." Wanda stated as a bullet tore through the floor. "PIETRO!" Wanda yelled as Y/N wrapped his arms around her.

"Come on now cutie, play nice." He teased as she just used her powers and sent him flying backwards. Hitting the ground with a huge thud as he watched Thor land on the cradle. Summoning lightening with Mjolnir, bringing the synthezoid to life.

As the days went by, searching for Nat and waiting for a location on Ultron, Y/N had tried multiple times to make a move on Wanda but she never had any of it.

"Come on Wanda." He smirked at her. "This might be our very last day on earth, just one kiss for good luck."

"No." She chuckled as she pushed his face away, both Pietro and Tony watched the whole interaction with a smirk on their faces.

Once they had landed, Bruce disappeared to find Nat as the others started to evacuate the city as well as fight Ultron's bots. Y/N was split up from Clint and the twins, fighting side by side with Steve and Thor.

"Get to the church." Steve ordered Y/N who then ran to the centre of the town as the city was rising. Once everyone was there, Y/N sighed as he saw Wanda unscathed.

"Let's do this." Y/N whispered as they started to fight against the bots. An endless fight that seemed to have no true victor.

"We still need to guard the church." Y/N stated as they all caught their breath.

"I'll do it." Wanda spoke up as she looked him in the eye. "It's my job." Before Pietro could speak, she cut him off. "Just get everyone on the boats. Then come back for me."

"I'll stay." Y/N tried as Wanda shook her head no. "Wanda, I'm not joking. I won't leave you."

"Help them." She told them as she reached for their hand. "Please Y/N, make my wrongs right." He sighed as he kissed her hand, giving her one last smile before running off, once he caught sight of Pietro on a boat, Clint was already holding the boy as the jet started to fire. Y/N used their super strenght to move a car in front of him before Pietro could even think of running.

"No." Clint whispered as he saw Y/N stood there, his body littered with bullet wounds as he gave Clint one small smile.

"It's ok." He whispered as he soon collapsed to the floor. Both Pietro and Steve headed towards them, soon they could hear Wanda scream in pain as she felt Y/N die.

"Let's get him on the boat." Steve whispered as he picked Y/N's corpse up. Soon the city was falling at a rapid speed as Wanda killed Ultron, wiping him from existence and ready to embrace death, that was when Vision flew down to save her.

Once everyone had returned to the newly built Compound, they had a funeral for him. Everyone mourned him in their own way, but Wanda remained a recluse, being swallowed by her grief.

"Come on Wanda." Pietro tried to get his sister to get out of bed. "You can't keep living like this."

"I felt him." Wanda whispered as she faced away from him. "The moment I saw him, I felt him within me, like some sort of connection. Like he was a part of me." He could hear the tears in her voice. "He kept on making little cheesy flirty comments, he even suggested a kiss before we landed on Sokovia but I never did it. I thought he was joking, and now he is gone and I'll never know. I'll never get the chance to love someone like I loved him."

Pietro was at a loss and decided to leave her be, taking her water and food in hopes that she would eat it. What they never expected was for Wanda to find the comfort in another as the years went by.



Hi guys. I know its been a while but life has been hectic. I hope you enjoyed this one

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