You'll Never Leave Me (M.M.M.M)

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No one's pov

Martha woke earlier than the rest of the girls she shared a room with on the farm. She thought that it would be a good experience when she met that guy Watts. Y/N told her not to trust him but she didn't listen. He drew her in and she followed him. Only to have the worst two years of her life. At first, she was happy. No technology. No social media. No worries as she thought. That was until she had to do the initiation. She was drugged and woke up naked on the cold hard floor with Patrick, the cult leader breaking her in as you might call it. That was when it started to go bad. It's as they say all of the sweeter things in life turn sour and that is what this experience did. 

The brain washing started and he wanted her to be ok with everything. There was also a constant need to be around Patrick. She grew sickeningly dependent on him. She would sneak into his room late at night and just get in bed with him. She would also just lay there as he inserted himself into her. He filled her head with all of this nonsense. That was until they started to bring in new girls and he started to do the same with them. He treated the new girls the way he treated Martha. She had no idea how to feel about that until it was her who had to drug one of the other girls. That was her turning point which leads us right to this moment.

As she ran through the woods that surrounded the farm hoping to find a road. A busy road. She just wanted to go home. She missed her sister. Her best friend who probably hates her by now. So she ran as fast and hard as she could. Patrick had the girls out running searching for her. All of them completely drawn to obey his orders. But they all knew what he was like and they were scared of him.

Martha ran as fast as she could until she tripped on a branch. She was still on the floor when she heard twigs snap beneath someone's feet. When she looked up her eyes met Patrick's gaze. He had a smile on his face but she saw something else in his eyes. 

"No one ever leaves this place. Not in all of the years we have been here." He told her as she gulped. Her chest beating out of her chest. "I never allow anyone to leave. Especially someone who is as useful as you Marcy May." He spoke sending uncomfortable chills down her spine. She was scared of what he would do. He then pinned her to the ground as she tried to fight the tears in her eyes. "I think it's time for your punishment." He told her as he started to unbuckle his frayed belt before he ripped her shorts and underwear down her legs. He spun her so she was face first on the ground with his hand holding her head down and her face in the mud. He then proceeded to slam into her causing her to scream out in pain. The tears fell freely as he punished her on the cold damp earth.

Martha woke with a scream, after she had seek out help and moved in with Y/N so her sister and her husband could be alone. Y/N came running in her room as she cried. She thought that she was over the nightmares but she clearly wasn't.

"Hey, it's me, Y/N." They whispered as they approached her slowly. "Can I hold you?" They asked her as she took deep breaths. She just nodded and allowed Y/N to get in beside her and hold her safe in their arms.

"It was so real." She whispered as Y/N listened to her. "I thought I was back there." She spoke shakily, breaking Y/N's heart. "I don't wanna go back there." 

"You will never be going back there." Y/N told her. "I will keep you safe Martha. Always."

"You'll never leave me?" She asked her friend.

"Never." They confirmed as Martha allowed her to succumb to sleep. Safe and Sound.


Hey guys, my first Martha one shot. Thank you choni_lover_07  for the request. I hope you enjoyed it.

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