Love to Hate You (Z.K)

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For my baby aloneodi <3

Zoeey Kern x Male Reader

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Zoeey Kern x Male Reader

Y/N Y/L/N and Zoeey Kern had what some would say is an interesting relationship. Especially with Zoeey being in a relationship with his older brother, Mike for a couple of years. From the moment the two met, they clashed. Always sending hurtful words to one another but playing nice whenever Mike was around, especially since Y/N and Mike share an apartment together.

"Baby, would I be able to stay for the next two weeks. It's just that my apartment is getting fumigated." Zoeey asked Mike as she sat in his lap on the sofa.

"Of course." Mike smiled at her. "I wouldn't want you near the fumes and besides, I have a work trip next week for a couple of weeks and Y/N will be here to keep you company."

Zoeey hid the sour taste forming in her mouth and forced a smile. Especially since she didn't want to be around Y/N alone. The two would probably kill each other. Y/N on the other hand, was attending his classes with being in his last year of college.

"Hey man, there is a party this Friday." Tim told him as they stood in line at the coffee cart.

"Who's?" Y/N asked with a smile.

"Elle's. I think she wants you." Tim smirked as Y/N chuckled.

"I wouldn't lie and say I haven't thought of her like that." Y/N smirked as he thanked the cashier and walked away with the coffee in his hand.

"Well you will definitely get laid this week bro." Tim smirked as Y/N nodded with his own matching smirk.

Once his day was over, he walked through the busy streets home. To be met with Zoeey and Mike making out on the sofa.

"You have a bedroom for that you know." Y/N said harshly as he went to make himself a drink.

"You know colleges have dorms too." Zoeey shot back making Mike chuckle.

"I prefer a nice quiet space after I have finished my day at college. You know a place were I can relax." Y/N told them before directing his glare to Zoeey as he clenched his jaw. She matched his glare, as she stood on her feet as Mike moved to.

"Well I am going to get some food for dinner tonight." Mike said as Y/N smiled at him, nodding his head.

"Do you want me to come with?" Zoeey asked as Mike shook his head.

"That's ok. You just stay here and relax. I won't be long." He smiled as he kissed her cheek before he walked out of the door. Y/N walked over to the sofa and sat down, taking the remote in his hand and scrolling through Netflix.

"I was watching that." Zoeey told him angrily.

"Really. I thought you were too busy sucking out my brothers soul." He smirked as she raised an eyebrow. "It's what dementors do."

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