Oops Part 2 (E.O)

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Requested by blackwidowwitch

Days had passed since the awards ceremony. Y/N had planned a small picnic date for Lizzie. They were the happiest they could be that she reciprocates their feelings. Knowing that they would never hurt like she has been before.

They had made her favourite snacks, got her favourite wine. All packed into a cute little basket for the date. They decided to wear a baby blue shirt with some cream chinos. Packing everything into the car to pick Lizzie up.

The drive was quiet and peaceful. Just the music playing lowly in the background. A smile on Y/N's face, remembering the kiss. The feeling of Lizzie's lips on theirs.

They soon found themselves outside of Lizzie's house. Getting out of the car and walking up to the door. The nerves starting to kick in as they rang the bell. The minute they waited for her to open the door felt like 30. They found themselves mesmerised by the sight before them.

Lizzie wore a summer dress with her golden locks down and waving slightly in the breeze. Lizzie smiled at them as they finally gazed into her sparkling green orbs.

"Hi." She breathed out nervously.

"You look beautiful. As always." They spoke tenderly making Lizzie blushed lightly as she grabbed her purse before stepping outside. Locking her door before walking beside Y/N, who opened her door for her. She smiled as she got in her seat. Y/N soon walking around to the driver's side.

Lizzie watched as Y/N drove to an empty park just a little out of the city. Once they had parked up, they opened the door for Lizzie before getting the basket from the car. Holding their arm out for her to take as they found a nice area to set the blanket down.

"This is nice and peaceful." Lizzie commented as the two sat on the blanket. Y/N had started to take the food from the basket. Two small wine glasses and Lizzie's favourite wine.

She watched in awe as they got everything out. Amazed at how much they paid attention to her. Knowing that her exes never would have done anything as sweet as this.

The two talked about anything and everything they could. Future projects or just plans in the future. The two sat their for hours. Barely touching the wine.

"Do you want to head home?" They asked her as she shook her head no.

"I want to freeze this moment." She whispered. "It's the most at peace I have ever been." She told them.

"Do you want to come to mine and maybe watch a movie?" They suggested as she smiled at them. Nodding her head. The two started to pack before they headed back to Y/N's apartment. The two were both nervous for different reasons.

'Is my apartment clean?' Y/N thought to themselves.

'Will we have sex? Are they expecting to have sex? Am I ready?' Lizzie thought.

Before the two knew it, Y/N had pulled up outside of their building. Both hearts beating extremely fast. Y/N sighed when they entered their apartment. Seeing that it is clean.

"Do you want a drink? A change of clothes?" Y/N asked Lizzie who smiled nervously at them.

"Can I have a water please." She asked as they nodded. Lizzie watched as they disappeared into the kitchen. Taking a chance to look around. Looking at the pictures on the walls and units. A lot of family pictures. But one wall caught her eye. It was pictures of Y/N and the same kid over the years. The last one made a tear fall.

"That is Ethan." Y/N told her. "When I was at the hospital a good few years back. I won't bore you with the details. That was when I met him. He was a good kid. A good kid who was handed a bad hand in life. He passed away last year." They pointed to the one Lizzie looked at. "That was taken a couple of weeks before he passed. I promised him that I would visit him every year for his birthday."

"What about this year?" Lizzie asked them.

"I will be visiting his family. Spending the day in his memory." Y/N told her. She couldn't be any more amazed by them than she already is.

"You're amazing." She told them as they shrugged.

"He helped me through a hard patch in my life, and he never got to really live his." Y/N told her before they retreated back to the living room. Turning the tv on as Lizzie joined them on the sofa. "Is there anything in mins that you would like to watch?" They asked her.

"Can we maybe talk a bit?" Lizzie asked as Y/N nodded. "It's just that my other relationships never really wanted to talk."

"Communication is important in a relationship." Y/N told her as she agreed. "I want this to work Lizzie. I have wanted this for the longest time and I intend to be everything you need me to be."

Lizzie just captured their lips in a passionate kiss. Cupping their cheeks as their hands held her waist. When she pulled away, they rested their head on hers.

"Can we maybe cuddle?" She whispered as Y/N just nodded. Opening their arms for her to lean into their body. Feeling safe in their arms. Their future together as safe as it can be. 


Here is another one shot today. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Also be on the lookout for lizzieislife94x dropping a whole fic in the near future. You guys are gonna love it. Especially with all of the hard work she's put into it to get it completed. If you haven't checked out her one shots either, I suggest you do or it shall be a crime.

Love you guys. :)

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