Arranged Love Part 2 (W.M)

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Requested by wandas_bitch1206

Wanda's pov

The engagement is getting announced today and no one has seen or heard off of Y/N. She has gone completely silent. I understand that this is a lot to take in but it has to be done. That's what my dad keeps telling me. I am not happy that they have pushed this forward so soon. We were all sat in the board room hoping that she would just turn up. When the doors opened, all of our attention snapped to Y/N who was walking through casually. It had looked like she had a few drinks too.

"You are late Y/N." Mr Stark said sternly as he approached his daughter. 

"Really. I never would have guessed." She teased him making me smirk at her behaviour. 

"Are you drunk?" He asked as she just motion a little bit with her fingers. "This is a serious matter Y/N, you can't just act like a troubled teenager anymore."

"Why not. You're happy with throwing my life away all for your business so let me drink my life away." She said as she stumbled over to the table with the whiskey and poured herself a glass. 

"Aren't you going to do something Mr Stark?" Dad asked him angrily. 

"Don't you dare come near me Tony." She said as she glared at him. 

"You need to speak to your father with some respect." Dad told her sternly as she just chuckled which is something I would have never had the balls to do.

"How I speak to Tony is none of your goddamn business." She told him as she downed her drink.

"I think we should postpone the announcement." I said as I stood up.

" And who gave you that authority. Your only purpose is to marry and save my company." Dad said as he slammed his hand on the table. 

"Don't you dare speak to your daughter like that Mr Maximoff." Y/N spoke as the room fell silent. "I may not get a lot of respect off of Tony but something tells me that it is you who wanted to push this forward and not my father." She spoke as she turned to face him. He was shocked that someone had the balls to answer him back. I decided to get up and walk towards her before she said something she may regret. 

"Y/N, come on. Let's go and get you sobered up." I told her softly as she looked at me like I had three heads. 

"Why should I be sobered up?" She asked me as I stood up before her. 

"Come on Y/N. Let's just get out of here. You and me." I said softly as she chuckled dryly. 

"No." She said shaking her head. "I will not be your puppet. Just so you can make your company better." She said as I saw her eyes gloss over. "I am my own person Tony. I am not your little soldier." She said as she had tears in her eyes. I held her hand to gain her attention. 

"Come on. Let's get you home." I said softly as she nodded her head. She allowed me to lead her to the doors of the room before my dad and Mr Stark spoke up. 

"We need pictures for the announcement." Mr Stark said as I glared at the two of them. 

"Y/N is in no fit state to have her picture taken." I hissed before my father spoke up.

"We have make up artists that can make her look presentable." He stated making me scoff leaving Y/N to lean against the wall before turning my full body to face the two of them. 

"Y/N is clearly upset by this whole arrangement, she had a contract drawn up which you both are in violation of. If we were to go to court we could sue the both of you and you would be left with nothing." I told them both before leaving with Y/N who was just lolling along with each step we took. I helped her into my car before I started and drove to her apartment. I helped her get into bed when she held my hand and gave me a look I couldn't quite understand. 

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