On The Outside Looking In (E.O)

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Y/N wasn't in the best of places mentally. Especially with suffering with ADHD and Anxiety. With that comes depression. They would be invited into groups or parties but would feel like they were still on the outside looking in.

Like they don't really belong. Watching as their 'friends' and colleagues got on. Enjoying the night. Laughing, talking and dancing. Not feeling like they belong here. Well not with anyone.

Thinking that if they left. No one would really notice. No one would pay any mind to their absence. Only when it came to work and when people needed them for something.

But as they turned to leave. Walking through the door into the pooring rain. Not caring if they were going to get sick. Secretly hoping that it would be deadly enough to kill them.

Lizzie noticed. Lizzie always notices how Y/N shys away inwards. Retreats and disappears. Lizzie is the one who always invites them. While Y/N thinks she is only doing it out of an obligation with being colleagues, but it is because she really cares about them.

Lizzie has seen the goofy and energetic side of Y/N. Everyone else sometimes thinks it's because of their ADHD, but it is because of their ADHD. But what they don't understand is that it is also a mask, they try to hide most of their annoying traits, like nail biting, constant fidgeting. The need to always be moving.

Sometimes leading to a burnout. They start to wonder why everyone doesn't want to even be near them. What is the point of their existence? Would anyone actually miss them if they died tonight? Would they wonder?

So as Y/N reached their apartment. Standing outside of the building. Looking up into the sky. Not really seeing any stars. Only seeing a way out.

What they didn't notice as they walked inside. Heading straight for the stairs. Lizzie followed them inside. Calling their name but they didn't hear her. In their own reality. Locked inside of their mind.

Lizzie's heart started to beat extremely fast when she watched as they were headed for the roof. Trying to catch up to them. Only just making the door before it closed behind them. Wedging it open by the metal pipe that lay there.

Looking over to see them stood on the ledge. She was shaking. Not because of the cold rain. Because of the nerves she was feeling. The worry that started to cloud her mind. Calling their name once more. Louder than before.

"I can't do this anymore Lizzie." They told her. "I can't be this person anymore. It's too hard." They whispered shakily. Lizzie's heart breaking at the sadness in their voice.

"Come on Y/N. Let's go inside and talk." Lizzie suggested calmly as Y/N shook their head no.

"We're talking now." They stated as they glanced back at her. Lizzie saw how broken up they were, just by looking into their lifeless eyes. "I don't want to be like this Lizzie. I am constantly an outsider."

"No you're not." Lizzie told them.

"Do you know who else had invited me to any form of party or get together since we worked together?" They asked her. She shook her head no. "No one. Just you." They turned back out to look over the city. "Do you know what that tells me? I really have no one, and I can't tell if it's because of me or my condition."

"It's not you Y/N." Lizzie tried as she stepped forward quietly.

"But it is me, because either way I am what I am." They told her. "I can't help it. There isn't really enough medication in the world that could help me." They looked back at her. "I am tired Elizabeth. I am tired of being me. I am tired of trying to be someone else just so that it appeases everyone else. I am tired of this life."

"Come on Y/N. You have so much more." Lizzie told them. They just laughed.

"No I don't. My fans will only miss my talent. My agent will only miss the income they recieve from me. There isn't anyone else left." They told her. Shuffling closer to the edge.

"YOU HAVE ME!! You have me Y/N." Lizzie called out. Stepping forward. Grabbing onto their arm.

"You're just saying that so you won't have to see me jump." They told her as she shook her head.

"I am telling you because I really do care about you. You are one of my best friends." Lizzie told them. Fighting to keep her hold on them.

"That would make you my only friend." They told her. "Do you know how sad that sounds." They finally got free of her grip.

"Don't do this Y/N." Lizzie begged them. "Please." Tears streaming down her cheeks. Mingling with the rain.

"I'm sorry Lizzie. I'm sorry that I disappoint everyone. I ruin everything I ever come into contact with." They took a deep breath before stepping back up. "Look away Lizzie. This will be over before you know it."

Before Lizzie could anticipate it, Y/N was gone. She soon heard loud screams and yells from below. Leaning over the edge. Seeing their form at the foot of the building. Broken and bruised. Heart not beating and their blood running cold. No more life left inside them.

Lizzie couldn't help but sob as she ran down the stairs and out of the building. Running towards Y/N's corpse. Their eyes were closed. There was nothing but an empty shell going pale grey skinned. The life that was once lived on the outside, was now nothing but a mere memory of those who actually knew the real Y/N.


Hey guys. A double update today on one shots. This is going to be my last post until further notice.

I wish you all the best and remember to reach out to someone if you ever feel like Y/N did.

Also remember you are loved.

Elizabeth Olsen/Character ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now