We Can Be Late Together (E.O)

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Smut Warning

Lizzie pov

I was walking through the halls to get to my first lesson of college fast because I was extremely late. As I turned a corner, I bumped into someone who just turned and ran the other way. I huffed as I scrambled to pick up my things when someone came over and helped me gather my things.

"Are you ok?" She asked me with a soft smile as I nodded shyly. She had the most mesmerising eyes you could get lost in.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I whispered as she just smirked at me.

"Why are you whispering?" She whispered making me chuckle as she joined in. "I'm Y/n." She said as she held out her hand to help me up.

"Lizzie." I introduced myself.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." She flirted making me blush.

"I uh I'm late for English Lit." I said as I played with the handle of my bag.

"That's ok, I'm headed there now. We can be late together." She said as she held out her hand for me to take which I did and the butterflies went wild in my stomach. When we reached the lecture hall, the professor had already started the lesson and I hid behind Y/N since she towered over me and she didn't even stop me.

"You're late." They said to her as she just smirked.

"Someone bumped into me and I fell on my ass." She shrugged as she motioned for me to sneak in to a spare seat. My heart was beating out of my chest as I snuck to the spare desk at the back of the class.

"Ok then, please take a seat and copy what I have already written on the board." They said as she smiled and nodded before she made her way to the spare seat beside me.

"Hey mouse." She smirked as she got her books out of her bag beside me.

"Mouse?" I questioned her as the professor shushed the class before droning on about what topics we will be covering this semester.

"You were all given a list of books that you needed to buy and read for this semester. I suggest you make sure you do." The professor said as they dismissed the class.

"So why did you call me mouse?" I asked Y/N as we both walked out of the class together.

"Because you were sneaky and got in without the nutty professor noticing you." She smirked as I blushed as she seemed proud of it. "It's the first time you've done something like that isn't it?" She asked me.

"Yeah it is." I said as I looked down embarrassed.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. This is college, we're all grown up now." She smirked as we walked to my next class.

"What have you got now?" I asked her.

"Basketball practice." She said as she started to jog away before she returned. "Meet me in the cafeteria at lunch mouse." She said with a smirk before she ran again. I couldn't help admire her as she ran through the corridor full of students. I couldn't help the silly smile on my face as I walked to Dramatic Arts. She made my first day so much better than I thought it would be. Drama went by fast and I was fast to leave the room because I wanted to see Y/N. She was a breath of fresh air and amazing to be around. Not to mention that she confuses me a lot. I feel like I'm attracted to her but I have only ever been with men before so this is new. Not to mention I am still a virgin. As I made it to the entrance I saw her leaning against the wall waiting for me.

"Hey." I greeted her with a smile which she returned an even bigger one.

"Hey, you ready for some food?" She asked me as she towered over me as I nodded. I could never get tired of her taking my hand in hers and taking charge as she pulled me towards the cue and grabbed two trays and handed me mine. "So what are you majoring in?" She asked me as she picked what she wanted.

Elizabeth Olsen/Character ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now