Break Into My Heart (E.O)

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Requested by Joewatt111

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Y/N pov

After all of the shit with my previous relationship with Hailee, I just went cold. She was the one person who I thought would never say the things she did. But I guess you truly never know a person until they show their true colours and that is what she did.

I had a gig, opening up for this band called Milo Greene. They are amazing people and now we are finishing the tour back home in LA. It has been an amazing tour, and to be away from seeing her was even better.

"Hey Y/N, that was an awesome performance." Robbie said with a wide smile as they got off the stage.

"Thank you." I replied as I made sure my guitar was secure ready to go home.

"Well, the band and I are meeting up with a few friends and my fiance to celebrate the last show of the tour. Would you care to join us." He asked me with hopeful eyes. I sighed knowing that I would only be going home to an empty apartment just to either drink or smoke.

"Sure. Why not." I shrugged as he smiled at me.

"Just leave your guitar with our things and we will give it back yeah." He said as he put his arm around my shoulder as we all made our way to the club. When we got there, we were led to a VIP booth and I stood and watched as they all greeted their friends. I walked up to the bar and ordered myself a beer before Robbie approached me with a beautiful woman on his arm.

"Hey. Do you want a drink?" I asked the pair as they both declined.

"Lizzie wanted me to introduce you both." He smiled lovingly at the green eyed beauty

"I am a huge fan of yours." She said as she held her hand out for me to shake which I did. Robbie excused himself to the rest as Lizzie and I sat at the bar.

"Are you sure that you don't want a drink?" I asked her again as I finished my beer.

"Please. A red wine." She smiled as I beckoned the bar tender and ordered our drinks. "I have been following your music for a while now."

"Well thank you." I smiled shyly at the thought of someone else enjoying my music. Most of my songs I had written about Hailee and I haven't been able to write one since. "Do I know you from somewhere? You just look so familiar." I told her as she smiled shyly.

"I am an actress." She whispered in my ear so no one could over hear her. I understand how it can be when you just want to enjoy a nice quiet night.

"Would I have seen you in anything?" I asked her as she leaned in and spoke quietly.

"I play Wanda in the MCU." She told me as I shook my head.

"I haven't seen any Marvel movies since the Amazing Spiderman 2." I told her as she gasped.

"That is it then we have to have a marvel marathon." She said with a smile. I could only smile at her with how happy she was. We heard cheers coming from the VIP booth and watched as Robbie chugged a full pint of beer.

"Is he always like that?" I asked her as I turned to see a vacant expression on her face.

"Yeah. He won't be coming home tonight." She sighed as she finished her wine and I beckoned for another refill. "He will be staying at one of the band mates houses because he won't want the party to stop." She spoke sadly before she thanked the bartender. "So I guess I will be getting an Uber alone." She said as she sipped her wine.

"Hey, if that's the case. Why don't we go to one of our places and start that movie marathon." I suggested which put a smile on her face.

"Let me just tell Robbie." She said as she finished her drink before joining my side with Robbie.

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