You Will Never Be Alone (E.O)

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Requested by Superflash2255

Male Reader

Y/N pov

I was sat in the living room on the sofa watching some tv. I had no idea what I was watching but I was waiting for my fiance to come home from work. I just needed something to do as I had already cleaned everywhere and had dinner in the oven.

She told me all about her day on set and I just loved to hear her talk. It was my favourite thing to listen to.

We both decided to head to bed after we had cleaned the dishes together. That is something that we both like to do. We like to share the load. Like if I'm the one who finished work early like today, I cook dinner for the two of us and vice versa.

"I love you Y/N." She whispered as she kissed my lips softly.

"I love you Elizabeth." I replied as she kissed me once more before her head rested on my chest. I smiled as I looked at her tired face before we both fell into a slumber.

Jack and I were just walking around the town late tonight. I had an argument with my dad and I didn't want to be in the house with him. He keeps saying that my grades aren't good enough and I am getting high C's and low B's. I am still passing but to him I am not doing my best.

"He's just a prick. He probably failed a lot in school so he's taking it out on you." Jack told me as I just nodded. We both decided to sit at a bus stop and eat our burgers that we bought from the late night Burger Shack.

"I just don't understand why he can't be proud of me you know." I sighed as I shook my head. "I am never going to be good enough for him." I spoke tiredly.

"Fuck him then. You don't need his degrading ass in your life." He told me as he bumped my shoulder. I smiled at him in thanks as we both just sat there and enjoyed the quiet night. Which was soon disrupted by a SUV speedong down the road at a high speed. We watched as everything happened so fast. Multiple gunshots and a searing pain in my stomach and leg. I looked over at Jack who was gasping for air as his chest was covered in blood. I tried to crawl over to him but my body wouldn't allow me. I watched as he gave me a sad smile before he choked on his own blood. We had both just started our Junior year and he is never going to graduate. I tried to scream as loud as I could to get people to help us. I tried to at least hope that he would be fine.

I woke with a start, I had tears running down my face and I was covered in sweat. I looked over and saw Lizzie sat up beside me with a look of concern on her face.

"Baby? Was it about Jack?" She asked me knowing what today is. I told her about him the first time she saw my scars. I knew from the moment I met her I was going to spend the rest of my life with her.

"Yeah." I breathed out as I was trying to get my heart beat back to normal. "It felt like I was back there again. Reliving the pain all over again." I whispered as the tears fell freely. "I just miss him so much. He was like the brother I never had."

"He's watching over you baby." She whispered as she pulled my into her arms. We both lay back down with my head on her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair knowing that it soothes me. She sometimes jokes around calling me her golden retriever. "He would be proud of the man you have become and I will promise you that you will never be alone. Not ever." She told me as I pressed a kiss to her collarbone in thanks. I felt her kiss my head as we both just lay there in silence. Her presence already soothing me and bringing me comfort. Its the one thing I love the most is how nurturing she is to everyone she knows. She is truly the kindest soul you will ever meet.


A short fluffy chapter. Please let me know what you think.
Also please check out marvel847 stories. My personal fave of theirs is When Blue Eyes Meet Green. Honestly check them out. They're amazing. Very wholesome books.

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