Trying Again (E.O)

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Y/N pov

I was on my way to pick up Benji for the day. If you don't know, Benji is my son who I had with my Ex. We never got married but we were engaged. It was stupid for the way we broke up. You see I am a musician and she is an amazing actress. 

I was on my way home from band practice to my beautiful fiancé and our 3 year old son. We have been engaged for 4 years and we still haven't even started to plan the wedding. Both of our schedules are pretty hectic and having a toddler too is hard. When I walked through the door, I was met with an angry Lizzie sat on the sofa. 

"Hey my love." I greeted her which she just glared at me. 

"Don't you dare hey love me. You said that you would be home in time to put Benji to bed with a story." She told me as she stood up. 

"I'm sorry, we lost track of time." I apologised which she just chuckled dryly. 

"It isn't me you need to apologise to, it is that small boy who cried himself to sleep because his mama broke another promise." She shouted at me but not too loud to wake up Benji. 

"I don't mean to break promises to him. I never intended to upset him. That is the last thing I ever wanna do." I told her truthfully as she just stared at me. 

"You're not much of a fucking parent Y/N. In fact you are the worst one." She said as I could feel the sting in my eyes. "And you will be the worst wife anyone will ever have." She seethed as I just looked at her. 

"Well if that's how you feel about me then." I told her as I nodded my head. "I'll pick up my things sometime tomorrow or when Benji isn't home so it won't upset him." I said as I walked out without looking back at her.

I had just got back from being on tour with my band. Yeah I'll admit that after that night, my life kind of went downhill. I started to drink and do drugs. I actually overdosed and probably would have died if Tim, my best friend hadn't found me with a needle stuck in my arm. I thought then that I didn't need to live since I had lost the two most important people to me and they sure as hell wouldn't miss me. 

I waited as I knocked on her door to hear the quick steps of someone coming towards the door. I was shocked when I saw some guy open it. 

"You must be Y/N, Lizzie is just getting Benji ready now." He said as I gave him a tight lipped smile as I stood there awkwardly waiting. "You know Benji doesn't stop talking about you." I just nodded not wanting this conversation to carry on with this guy. I soon heard two pairs of feet coming downstairs as I smiled as I saw my 7 year old son who jumped into my arms. 

"Hey champ." I greeted him as I hugged him tight.

"I missed you." He whispered as Lizzie remained by the door with a smile on her face as she watched the two of us. Her new fling walked back inside to give us some privacy. 

"I missed you too Benji. Why don't you get in the car and pick the music you want." I told him as he smiled brightly and got in my car. Lizzie stepped outside and closed the door behind her. 

"I packed him some extra pyjamas and underwear just in case he needs it. Don't let him have anything sugary after 8pm." She started. I just smiled as she looked so beautiful. I was too busy taking in her features as she spoke before she looked at me how she used to when we first got together. 


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