Not Everything Ends In Happiness (W.M)

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AU - Lovers to Strangers

After the loss of Pietro, Wanda and Y/N both mourned him. When Y/N was released from the hospital, they went to their own apartment. They didn't know if Wanda would ever want to see them again.

So they sat in their apartment. Missing the funeral. Flashes of that night going through their mind. Wishing it was them. Not talking to anyone for weeks.

Nat and Maria were with Wanda who was currently staying with them. She took up Yelena's old room. She was heartbroken. She had no idea that Y/N was home. She didn't even know if she wanted to see them. She didn't blame Y/N but at the same time she did.

It was just a simple drive by. Pietro happened to be the first in the line of fire and then Y/N. Pietro bled out from numerous gunshot wounds on the scene. There was no saving him at all.

"Come on Y/N. I know you're in there." Steve yelled through the locked door. "The hospital told me you were discharged weeks ago."

Y/N remained silent and in the dark. As much as they missed everyone. They missed Wanda the most, but they only felt guilt and shame more than anything. Although the situation had been out of their control.


"How are they?" Nat asked Steve through the phone. Steve was still stood outside of the apartment door.

"I don't know. They aren't answering if they are even in their." He sighed. "I'm worried about them. They discharged themselves weeks ago. They didn't tell any of us. Not even Wanda."

"They watched Pietro die Steve. They watched the only family Wanda had left die." Nat told him. She didn't know that Wanda was listening to their conversation. She was worried about Y/N herself but she felt like she was drowning in grief. It felt like her heart was ripped from her chest.


Y/N hadn't eaten in days. They remained sitting in the dark. Their mind playing tricks on them.

"This is all your fault." They heard Wanda's voice. "If I had never met you, he would still be here."

They had dried tear stains on theit cheeks. Just listening to Wanda's voice in their mind. All the bad things they think she would say.

Steve was still outside of Y/N's apartment. He didn't want to leave. He needed to be there for Y/N.


When Nat had finished on the phone with Steve. She turned to see Wanda stood behind her. Wanda looked sad. Extremely sad.

"Y/N's home?" She asked Nat who just nodded.

"They have been for weeks." Nat told her. Wanda just looked at her best friend with tears in her eyes.

"Why didn't they tell me?" She asked her shakily. "I thought we had something."

"They are in pain too Wanda." Nat spoke softly. "I understand that he was your twin. Your last family member but Y/N watched it happen. They survived as they watched Pietro die."

All Wanda could do was go back to her room, crying on her bed. She missed Y/N but she was also grieving. She didn't know how to cope.


"It should have been you." Wanda told Y/N as she stood before them. Venom in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." They whispered shamefully. They had bags under their eyes and had lost a lot of weight. They kept their eyes on the pills before them on the table with the water. An internal battle going on in their mind.

Steve was now rising to his feet. Getting ready to try again.

"Come on Y/N. Please open up." Steve spoke softly as he knocked on the door again. "I want to be there for you. Please let me be there for you." He rested his head on the door. Hoping for a sign. A sound. Something to tell him that their friend was ok.

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