Halloween Special (E.O)

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Y/N pov

Lizzie and I were driving to a family event and we had to take the backroads to try and get there as soon as we could. We had previously stopped in the small town prior for a quick bite to eat as we were getting the car filled with gas. It wasn't until we were on this dark road in the middle of nowhere as the car started to make a weird noise. Lizzie looked at me from the drivers seat with a worried look. The car lost power and we had to pull over to the side of the road. Lizzie pulled out her phone and tried to see if she could call someone as I went to check the engine with the hood torch that we store in the glove compartment. 

"I have no service." Lizzie told me softly as she stepped out of the car and came to my side. 

"Did you try my phone?" I asked her as she walked around to the other side and checked mine before placing it back in it's spot with a huff. 

"What is wrong with it?" She asked me as looked up at her.

"See here." I told her as I pointed to the problem. "We have a hole in the oil pipe. And we haven't got any duck tape for a quick fix at least until we get to the next town which is....I don't know how many miles away." She sighed as we were both practically stuck in the middle of nowhere. 

"So what do we do?" She asked me as she ran her hands through her hair. 

"We wait to see if someone will pass us and hope they will help." I told her softly as she just nodded before she wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her close. "We will be ok princess." I whispered as I kissed her head. "Now get in the car so you don't catch your death." I told her as she nodded and got in the passenger side. She lowered the window as she covered herself with the blanket from the back seat. 

"I never thought I would actually say this but I can't wait to get to your mum's." She told me making me laugh at her. Her and my mum don't get on because mum thinks that Lizzie isn't the one for me when I know that she is. She is my everything and I will be damned if I even let my mum come between us. After what felt like forever, I finally saw some headlights and decided to step further into the road. "What are you doing?!" She asked me before she heard the faint roar of an oncoming engine. I waved my hands hoping to get the car to stop. 

"Hey are you ok?" They asked as they stepped out of their car that almost slammed into me. 

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just our car has broken down and have you got any duck tape just so I can repair a hole to get us to the next town?" I asked him with a soft smile. I could see Lizzie still sat in the car and I know she has locked the doors because she hates these kind of situations. 

"The next town is 50miles out south." He told me. 

"We just came from there." I sighed as he reached and got some duck tape from a tool box and handed it to me. I walked over to the car and started to repair the hole as best as I could. 

"But there is a motel just 5 miles north of here. It's not much but they will call a mechanic and they will take the car and fix it up." He said as I handed the tape back to him. 

"Thank you so much." I told him as I shook his hand as Lizzie watched us from the passenger seat. 

"I'll wait until you can get the car started and then I'll be on my way." He spoke as I quietly motioned for Lizzie to unlock the door and I got in the drivers seat. When I turned the key in the ignition, the car roared to life, well as much life as it could considering. I gave him a thumbs up and he drove off as I started to drive down the road. 

"So how far until the next town?" She asked me as I drove. 

"50 miles south." I told her and she huffed. "But there is a motel 5 miles ahead and they will call for a mechanic and we can stay there until the car is  fixed." I told her softly as she just nodded. We drove in silence and when we reached the motel. "I'll go and book us a room." I told her as I stepped out of the car. I smirked when I heard the other car door open and footsteps approaching me knowing that she didn't want to be away from me. 

Elizabeth Olsen/Character ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now