I Am Too Late(L.S)

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Y/N pov

Ever since Leigh lost Matt, she kind of went well she shut everyone out including me. Her best friend since high school. But then she started to sleep around a year later. One thing she never knew was how much it hurt me to see her do this to herself. Not to mention my love for her too. Then she went onto Matt's brother Danny, who also fell in love with her. Well can you blame him. So I started to distance myself from her. It took her months to even notice my absence from her life. So just as I was about ready to leave after my performance at the Blue Horn, she decided to approach me after my set in the dressing room.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" She asked as she stood before me, blocking my exit.

"I haven't been avoiding you. I have been very busy." I told her making her scoff.

"You have been avoiding me. I want to know why." She spoke as I ignored her. "I deserve to know why it feels like I am losing my best friend." I sighed feeling bad slightly.

"Do you really want to know why?" I asked her as she replied with a nod yes. "I am sick and tired of watching you throw yourself at every guy you meet and then there's Danny."

"He and I aren't together anymore." She told me as I looked up at her. "He thinks that I was only using him to feel the love that I barely felt with Matt." She said as she wiped her tears.  "So please tell me why?"

"I can't be around you anymore because every moment that I look into your eyes, I want to kiss you. I want to be the one you turn to when you need someone to hold you. I want to be the one who is able to love freely and openly but I will never have that." I told her as she shook her head and closed her eyes

"Please don't say it." She whispered with tears in her eyes.

"I have been in love with you since high school. I used to think that it was just a school girl crush but it isn't." I told her. "Leigh I am."

"STOP! Please." She cut me off. "You can't." She breathed out shaking her head. I just looked at her waiting for her to finish. "I don't see you like that and I don't think that I ever will." She told me and that hit the nail on the coffin that is our friendship. Something that I had thought would last a lifetime. But clearly somethings aren't meant to be.

"Goodbye Leigh." I told her as I walked away from her. Leaving her with tears in her eyes in my dressing room. As much as I wanted to comfort her I couldn't do that to myself. I need to put myself above her for once. So that was when I decided that I would go to New York. You know I needed a fresh start. That was when I met Elle. She is a nurse. We met on a night out as she came to see one of my shows.

"Hey, I just wanted to say that you were amazing up there." She told me with a shy smile. 

"Thank you." I smiled before I had an idea. "Would you like to have a drink with me?" I asked her and she said yes. We spent the night talking and learning more about each other. I learned that she has been divorced for quite some time now and we exchanged numbers. 

After spending some time with her just hanging out. Hearing her laugh and seeing her smile made me realise that I actually really like her. Being with her I never once thought about Leigh. It was refreshing. That was when I decided to tell her one night in my apartment as we were watching TWD. 

"I need to tell you something." I spoke nervously as she turned to give me her full attention. 

"What is it?" She smiled at me. I took a deep breath before continuing. 

Elizabeth Olsen/Character ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora