Tommy (E.O)

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Y/N pov

Lizzie and I have been married for 10 years and we have a 7 year old son, Tommy. Halloween was coming up and he had asked me to take him to pick up a costume while Lizzie was at work.

"Do you want to get some ice cream when we have bought your costume?" I asked him as I followed him as he walked through the store.

"Please dad." He answered me making me smile at him. I smiled as his face lit up when he found the costume he wanted. "Yes! They still have it in stock." I watched as he picked up a princess costume.

"Hey buddy, don't you want to go as a pirate or a police man?" I asked him as he shook his head no.

"I want to go as a princess." He told me firmly.

"You know that boys don't wear those type of costumes buddy. That's for girls." I spoke as I knelt down to his level.

"Please dad. I want to be a princess. Rose is going as a princess." He pleaded with those big doe eyes he inherited off of his mum.

"Ok then buddy, let's go and buy it." I smiled at him and rested my hand on his shoulder. I can't say that I am shocked with this but he is my son and I will respect his every decision he makes. As long as it isn't bad. When we arrived at home, he ran straight to his room excitedly as I found Lizzie in the garden.

"Did he pick his costume?" She asked me as I just smiled and nodded as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "What did he pick?" She asked as she rested her hands on my chest.

"A princess." I told her softly.

"Well if that's something that he wants to be." She shrugged as she pecked my lips before she went back to her plants.

"But he is a boy Lizzie." I told her quietly.

"Y/N. The times have changed since we were kids. You see quite a lot of guys wearing womens clothing and this is something that he wants so we should respect that and love him regardless." She told me with a smile.

"I just don't want him to get hurt,he is my baby boy Lizzie. I can't protect him from other children." I told her as she just smiled at me and gave me a kiss.

"And this is why I love you. You want to protect us all regardless." She smiled at me as I just nodded and gave her a quick kiss and decided to start on dinner.

As I was cooking the steaks on the grill I heard footsteps. When I turned around I saw Tommy dressed as the princess and I couldn't help but smile at how happy he is.

"What do you think dad?" He asked me as he done a little twirl with a wide smile on his face.

"I think you look wonderful buddy." I told him with a smile which made his on widen.

"I just can't get the tiara on." He told me sadly which I just smiled at him.

"Well go and get out of it ready for dinner and I'll help with it in the morning before school." I told him as he just smiled at me and ran off excitedly.

"You are a good father Y/N." Lizzie spoke as she stood by the door.

"He makes me want to be the father he needs and I will be just that." I told her as she came over and started to wash the fresh vegetables she had just picked from her garden.

"Do you think that he maybe you know?" I asked Lizzie as she prepared the vegetables.

"Don't be so judgemental Y/N." She scolded me as I just shook my head.

"I'm not Lizzie. I just want to be prepared for if he decides to confide in us when he is ready. I want to make sure that I will say the right thing and not completely screw it up. I want to be supportive for him in everyway." I told her honestly as she just smiled at me.

The next morning I sat before Tommy and helped him with his tiara as he just beamed at me. I don't care if he is different from other boys, I will protect him with everything I am.

When we picked him up from school he wanted to play with Rose outside in the garden as Lizzie and I were sat watching some tv when Tommy came running in crying straight to his room. He was only wear the t shirt and the underskirt to his costume. I quickly jumped from my seat and ran to him to find his face smeared with make and tears streaming down his face.

"What happened buddy?" I asked him as I sat by his legs as Lizzie sat beside him leaning on the head board. "Was it those kids outside." I asked as he just nodded. "You have to fight back Tommy or they will never leave you alone."

"Y/N. He's just a kid." Lizzie told me.

"He has to defend himself. He has to fight back." I told her.

"It wasn't the kids." Tommy spoke up as he tried to calm down.

"What?" I asked him. He cuddled into Lizzie as I could feel my anger rising. "Who did this to you?" I asked him.

"It was Tobey's dad. Daryl. Your friend." He told me and I just stood up and walked out of his room ignoring Lizzie's pleas for me to stop.

Once I walked out, I saw him laughing with Finn and Liam as they each had a beer in their hands.

"DARYL!!" I shouted as I stormed towards him not caring about the people watching me. "What the fuck gives you the right to do that to my son." I shouted as I pointed to Tommy who followed his mum out who continued to shout my name.

"You mean the fag." He sneered.

"He is my son." I told him as I took the beer bottle from his hand and smashed it on the ground.

"He shouldn't be wearing a girls costume then." He told me as he squared up to me.

"Why? Because he is different to the rest of us. Because he may be gay!" I spoke angrily. "Well guess what? When the day comes and he wants to tell me he likes boys or he doesn't feel he belongs in his body. I will accept him because he is My Kid. I will accept him no matter what." I told him as I clenched my fists at my sides. "So the next time you lay a hand on my son, you will get so much worse." I spoke as I started to walk away.

"Your son is a freak and no one will ever accept him." He shouted as I saw the tears in Tommy's eyes as he hugged his mum. I took a deep breath before I turned back around to my now ex friend.

"I accept him for who he is." I told him before I punched him in the face. I didn't care that everyone was watching. When it comes to my family, I would do anything for them.

"Dad." I heard his small voice from behind me. I looked to see him with tears down his face. I pulled away from Daryl and Tommy soon ran into my arms. I held him close as he cried into my chest. I picked him up and carried him home. I helped him clean the make up from his face and help him change.

"What do you want to watch princess?" I asked him as he just smiled up at me as I called him that.

"Can we watch Beauty and The Beast?" He asked as he cuddled into me. I just nodded and put the movie on. We decided to order some pizza and just watch all of Tommy's favourite movies for the night.

"You know whenever you need someone to talk to, I will always be in your corner. I will love you no matter what or who you want to be." I told him as he smiled at me. I gave Lizzie a soft smile as she watched the two of us as we enjoyed the rest of our night.


A nice little angsty fluffy one. Please let me know what you think.

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