Truly Never Meant To Be (E.O)

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Lizzie x GiP Reader

Hailee is an assistant in this

To everyone, Lizzie and Y/N are a happy couple. To people who couldn’t be anymore in love with each other. Although, that wasn’t the case behind closed doors. The two couldn’t have drifted further apart.

“I asked you to clean the PVC on the windows.” Lizzie called Y/N out. “You know I can’t reach them.” This was how it all started. Lizzie expected a lot from Y/N. The two had draining careers. Lizzie being an actress and Y/N being a partner in a Law Firm.

“I’m shattered Liz.” Y/N told her as they walked through the door. Placing their brief case down on the sofa. “I’ll do it later.”

“You always say you’ll do it later Y/N.” Lizzie scoffed as Y/N walked away from her. “Why can’t you just do the things when I ask you?”

“I am not doing this right now Elizabeth.” Y/N got themselves a change of clothes and stormed into the bathroom.

“We are doing this right now.” Lizzie called after them. “I want to know.”

“Well you can ask yourself that. I am heading out.” They told her angrily.

“Where are you going? You just got home.” She told them.

“I am getting some air. Something I don’t seem to fucking get here.” They yelled as they grabbed their keys and left the house. Leaving Lizzie as she stood frozen watching as the front door slammed shut.

Y/N soon found themselves at their Assistant’s apartment. Needing some fresh air and good company. The two were sat on Hailee’s sofa drinking some wine.

“I just don’t understand why she can’t just let me fucking breathe.” Y/N exclaimed as Hailee listened to them intently. “The moment I walk in, she is on me. I haven’t done this. I haven’t done that. I am not superhuman.”

“I always thought you guys were amazing together.” Hailee told them as they sighed.

“We were.” Y/N told her honestly. “We were amazing together. I even have a ring picked out ready, but right now I am not so sure my heart is in it anymore.”

“You should try to Y/N.” Hailee told them. “What you both have is too good to just throw away.”

“I know that.” Y/N told her. “I do. It’s just that I don’t have any fight left in me anymore.”

That was the moment Y/N started to pull even further away from Lizzie. As Lizzie was trying to think of what went wrong between the two of them, Y/N started to stay later at the office with Hailee. The two would be sorting out paperwork and files just so that Y/N didn’t have to go home.

Elizabeth Olsen/Character ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now