Dare (G.F)

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Requested by elxlizzie
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Smut warning

Gerri POV

I was sat having lunch in the cafeteria with Lilly when we saw Y/N walk in with her team. She is on the soccer team and everyone knows that she is packing. Especially when she wears those small shorts. Lilly smirked before she turned her attention to me. 

"What?" I asked her as she had this mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"I dare you to make Y/N fall for you before the state final." She said as I just laughed. 

"No." I told her not really wanting to hurt Y/N's feelings.

"You have to do it Gerri." She told me with a smirk. 

"A dare's a dare." Mel spoke from beside me as Cherice nodded along. I groaned as I looked back at Y/N who was sat with the team at their table before I turned back to Lilly.

"You are a bitch." I smirked at her as I stood up with my tray. 

"I know." She called after me making me shake my head at her remark. I slowly made my way over to Y/N's table and tapped her shoulder. She turned to face me with a smile.

"Are you ok?" She asked me as her eyes searched my face. 

"Can I uh, can I talk to you. Alone?" I asked her as she nodded and picked up her things. We both walked out of the cafeteria. 

"So what is it?" She asked me as I looked around nervously. 

"Would you maybe want to catch a movie with me?" I asked her and watched her smile grow. My heart was breaking inside at the fact that this is all just a dare that a couple of mean girls concocted just for fun. 

"Sure. Name the time and place." She said softly with a smile that made my heart skip a beat. I reached into my pocket and got my phone and handed it to her. 

"Put your number in and I'll text you." I said as she took and started typing before she handed it back. I gave her a smile before I walked away with her watching my every move. 

"Did you ask her?" Lilly asked as soon as I reached the table.

"Of course I did." I smiled triumphantly at the three at the table as they cheered. I do sometimes wonder why I am friends with these girls. Lilly and I have been best friends since kindergarten and Mel and Cherice were just kind of a package deal when we joined high school. The school bitches and Lilly has turned into one of them.

"This is going to be so amazing to humiliate that freak." Mel said as the other nodded and they all started to talk about the plan. I hated that they had dragged me into this but I don't want to lose Lilly as a friend and the other two will make the rest of my school life hell. After school had finished, I decided to head home as the others decided to go to the mall. When I walked inside my mum noticed my sad posture. 

"What's wrong honey?" She asked me softly. I explained to her what had happened today and how I feel about it as she just listened without butting in. "Well maybe you need to rethink who your friends are and don't follow through with the dare." 

"But I have to do it mum. I don't want to be the laughing stock of the school because she backed out of a dare." I told her. 

"Well then maybe just talk to Y/N about it." She suggested as I just shook my head. 

"You do realise that it will hurt her more because I only asked her out because of a dare." I told her as she sighed.

"Then why did you do it?" She asked me with a disappointed look.

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