I Like Quiet Nights (E.O)

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Requested by nikmorn14

Lizzie is 38

Y/N is 23

Male Reader

Lizzie's pov

I decided to go and visit Scar on campus, we are best friends. We were roommates in college and we went through everything together. I am currently in between jobs right now since the school that I taught at closed the arts programme. Something about loss of funding. Kaylee was in school. Kaylee is my 12 year old daughter. I had her before I got married to her father, Robbie. I thought he was the love of my life and he would never hurt me but I guess things change. Especially when I caught him in our bed with his assistant. The very one he told me not to worry about. So I packed up Kaylee's and my own things and moved to New York. Scar said she was speaking with the Dean about the vacant position and if they had filled it yet. So as I waited for her, I decided to get a coffee from the cafeteria.

"Hey, are you ok?" A kind voice asked from beside me.

"Yeah why?" I asked him when I turned to face him.

"You're looking at the pastries like you are deciding which one to kill first." He smirked making me chuckle. "Do you have any allergies?" He asked me and I just shook my head in denial. I watched as he ordered two of the danish pastries and paid for them before he handed me one. I gave him a confused look. "I don't like to eat alone." He said as he walked to a table with me following him. "I'm Y/N." He introduced himself.

"Elizabeth." I smiled at him as I sat across from him.

"So are you a teacher here?" He asked me as he took a bite of his danish.

"No. I am currently meeting a friend who is." I told him. "What about you?" I asked him.

"I am a senior. I am trying to get my teaching degree." He told me.

"So you are 22?" I asked him.

"23." He answered me. I looked at him in shock as he elaborated. "I uh I had an accident a couple of years ago which hindered my attendence so I had to repeat sophmore year." He told me honestly. I was shocked about how open he was. He wasn't ashamed by it or anything. He didn't seem ashamed by sitting with someone who is 15 years older than him. He was easy to talk to.

"Hey, Lizzie. I see you have met my assistant." Scar said as she sat beside me.

"I have." I smiled at the pair. "He has been keeping me company while I waited for you."

"Well come on. Lets go and pick up Kaylee and Rose from school and we can talk." She said quietly as with the look in her eyes, I knew that there wasn't a position left to fill anymore.

"It was nice meeting you Y/N." I said as I stood from my seat.

"The pleasure was all mine Elizabeth." He smiled at me as I blushed slightly. I don't know why but I feel like a teenager again. I walked with Scar towards the exit of the cafeteria and glanced back to see him reading a book.

"He is single." Scar smirked as we walked to my car.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I see the way you looked at him and the blush." She said as we got in the car.

"I was nervous." I said trying to get her to shut up.

"Of course you were." She smirked as I drove. "It is ok to move on." She told me sincerely. 

"I know. I'm not sure that I am ready yet." I told her honestly. 

"It has been two years since the divorce Lizzie, Kaylee needs someone who will be consistent in her life. Not like Robbie." She said. "Hell he even cheated on you with someone the same age as Y/N." 

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