Parent Trap (E.O)

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Requested by Superflash2255

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No one's pov

Y/N Y/L/N and Elizabeth Olsen, they were names that you often heard mention in the same sentence. They were a happy couple, they were in love. Their marriage was a happy one, even after the twins were born. Teddy and Jo. Once they reached the age of four, Elizabeth's career was taking off as was Y/N's. This started to put a strain on their marriage, even though no one outside of the family saw. Teddy and Jo saw everything. They watched as their parents went from being happy and loving to stressful and a lot of work. So when Elizabeth went to London to start filming her latest Marvel Project, she took Jo with her while Y/N took Teddy with him. Teddy was excited to see what life was like on the tour bus as Jo was excited to see what her mum done on set. Let's just say that they both truly enjoyed the times that they had with their parents. Y/N taught Teddy how to play the guitar and whenever he could, he taught Jo the piano. By the time they were nine years old. Lizzie met another musician, Robbie and Jo and Teddy hated him. While Y/N was away with the band on holiday, Jo snuck into Teddy's room.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her as she shushed him before she made sure that her mum and Robbie were asleep. 

"We need to get mum and dad back together." She stated as he sat up straight. 

"I agree. I hate Robbie. I don't know what she sees in him." He told her as she agreed with his opinion of the musician. They have only been dating for 6 months. They haven't even said the L word yet. 

"I think we should ask Aunt MK and Aunt Ashley for help." She told him as they both agreed. "They're babysitting us both tomorrow so mum and Robbie can have a date night." Once it was settled and the plan was set, they both decided to go to sleep before the plan was put into action.

Once they had MK and Ashley on board with the plan they booked the four tickets for the same cabin. The very cabin that Y/N and Lizzie spent their first getaway together when they first got together in college. I wasn't until Teddy went to stay with his dad and he took the two tickets and Jo had the other two for her and Lizzie. She decided to go and see her mum while she was in the kitchen cooking dinner for Jo, Robbie and herself. 

"Mama?" Jo called out to her causing her mum to give her her full attention. 

"What is it darling?" She asked her.

"Aunt MK gave us two tickets to go and stay somewhere." She told her as Lizzie looked at Robbie who never tore his eyes away from his phone. 

"What about Robbie?" Lizzie asked the small child. 

"I want this just to be you and I mama." Jo told her with tears in her eyes. Lizzie just smiled and nodded and saw that it was for this weekend. Luckily she didn't have anything this weekend. 

"Of course baby girl. We'll go." She told her as Jo jumped up and down in excitement. She was excited because their plan was now in motion. Teddy was already asking Y/N who never says no to his kids which is something that Lizzie doesn't really like about him but he just wants his kids to have everything that he never had growing up. 

When Friday rolled around, Teddy and Y/N were all set and packed and in the car ready. Teddy was telling him all about the cabin they're staying in and asked if Y/N could teach him how to fish. Which his dad had happily agreed to. Y/N was grateful to have some time away from the real world and spend it with his son. He just hoped that Jo wanted to come with them to. As they were just unpacking their car and putting their bags in their designated rooms. Lizzie was on her way with an excited Jo who was singing to her favourite songs. She hoped that this weekend would make her see how her dad is so much better than Robbie and that she is still in love with the man she was once married to. When she pulled up she noticed another car and furrowed her brow. She thought that maybe they had double booked the cabin and it wasn't until she put Jo's bag in her bedroom and proceeded to move to the master bedroom to see that their was already someone here. She was disgusted as she could hear the shower running in the en suite and waited until  the person had finished. Meanwhile Jo and Teddy were both continuing to finish the plan to bring their parents back together. 

Elizabeth Olsen/Character ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon