A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (E.O)

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Y/N Y/L/N thought they had it all. They found the woman of their dreams. The woman they wanted to spend the rest of their life with. The feeling of love was mutual. Even in the moment when Y/N knew they had screwed up. Especially with the last thing they ever saw as the life left their own eyes. Were the forest green irises they had fallen in love with.

Y/N and Lizzie met when they bumped into each other. Y/N fell in love with her eyes the moment they made eye contact. They were the most beautiful shade of green you would ever see. Followed by an infectious smile. Then came her angelic laugh.

The time they had spent together, getting to know each other. Was one of Y/N's favourite things to do. Among take care of those they loved most in the world.

"Can you believe this?" Y/N asked Lizzie from the sofa. Lizzie was stood by the stove, stirring her pasta sauce. "All of these murders and yet they don't even have any suspects. What the hell is our tax dollar paying for?"

Lizzie smirked slightly. She felt proud of herself. She was off the radar. Always cleaning her steps. Making sure no one would ever trace anything back to her.

"I know." Lizzie spoke with faux concern. "I honestly don't really feel safe going out on my own. Not while the killer is loose."

"You will never have to worry my dear." Y/N stood up and approached her. "I will always be there to protect you."

"What's to say that you're not the killer?" She asked them with a raised brow.

"I could ask you the same." Y/N countered making her chuckle. Stealing a quick peck before turnong back to finish the meal she was cooking for the two.

Y/N always questioned as to why they always spent their time together at their apartment. Everytime they would ask her, she would simply say. It feels too lonely there. Too many bad memories. And they would always shrug it off. Knowing of her past relationships and how narcisstic they were.

"Dinner will be ready soon baby." Lizzie informed them. "Would you set the table." She asked them as they smiled and nodded. Grabbing the drinks, Lizzie's favourite wine and their beer. Setting the appropriate cutlery down before helping her carry the plates through.

Sitting down beside each other. They both started to dig in. Lizzie couldn't help but smile as she watched Y/N eat. They always loved her cooking. Although Lizzie wished she would be able to use the fresh produce she grows in her garden. Even to be able to show Y/N the pride of her life. Other than Y/N of course.

But she could never risk Y/N looking around her house. Knowing there are trophys that she kept from each victim. Every life she ever took. A token from each in their own little trophy cabinet in the basement. Next to her choice of weapons.

Lizzie was in love with Y/N. From the moment they bumped into each other. It was truly love at first sight. Although Y/N never really had to worry about falling victim to her devilish side.

The part of her who loves to be in control. The feeling of being God within her grasp. She had the power to take her victim's life away. Not really caring if they were innocent or not.

But all of that changed when Y/N went to Lizzie's house. Remembering her address from the first time they had picked her up for their first date. Although they knew it was a big house, and that Lizzie's family had a lot of money. They were always intrigued by the inside of the house.

But what drew them to head to the Lion's Den was when Lizzie hadn't texted them back in a week. So they walked up to the big wooden door. Knocking on it briefly.

The house wasn't creepy from the outside. Even when you were inside either. It all looked pretty vanilla. Like the personality Lizzie tried to portray to everyone she would meet.

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