Our Ages Don't Make A Difference In How I Feel Part 2 (E.O)

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Since you all wanted a part 2. Also can we just admire how amazing Lizzie looks in red

 Also can we just admire how amazing Lizzie looks in red

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Lizzie's pov

It is coming up to our two year anniversary and to be honest, I really want to start a family but I am unsure on how Y/N will react. He is now 27 and I am 35 so to be fair my biological clock is running out and I would love to have kids soon. Y/N and I bought our own house together not too far from where we used to live so I know he is definitely serious about us. I was doing some gardening waiting for him to come home from the gym, he likes to stay in shape and even though I have told him to build a home gym he said no because I will distract him. Which he is not wrong.

"Hey my love." He whispered as his arms snaked around my waist as he kissed my cheek already freshly showered.

"Hi baby. Can we talk?" I asked him and watched as his face dropped. "It's nothing like what you're thinking." I reassured him as he sighed in relief. "How do feel about having kids?" I asked him as I watched him think. 

"Yeah, I would love to have kids someday. It would be nice to have a family with you." He said sweetly as he kissed my worries away. 

"But how far into the future would you plan on kids?" I asked him. 

Y/N pov

I had no idea where this baby talk came from but I do want to have kids with her but I want us to be married first. And I already planned the proposal on our two year anniversary. I had planned a date at her favourite restaurant but hired the roof for the night so we could dine under the stars. 

"After we're married. Why do you ask?" I asked her as she looked down. 

"I am 35 and the chances of a successful pregnancy is getting slimmer every year and I would love to carry our child." She told me softly before she walked back inside. All she had to do was wait for next Thursday. 

"But what happened to having a plan?" I asked her softly as she turned to face me. 

"That went out of the window when I turned 35. I am almost 40 Y/N. When I am 40 you will be 32, you will be ok having kids. Your biological clock isn't running out. You can produce sperm until you're 100 while we start having higher risks after the age of 35." She told me as she ran her hands through her hair. "Maybe the age gap is just too big of a problem. Maybe we should just." She started. 

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I told her sternly. "If you want to start having a baby now then fine, we can start trying but you need to make an appointment to get off of birth control." I watched as she just laughed dryly before she looked at me. She soon realised that I was being serious.

"You're serious?" She asked me confused.

"Of course I am. You are the one I want to be the mother of my children and we both got so wrapped up in each other while time just went against us. But I do intend to spend the rest of my life with you Elizabeth. I love you so much." I told her softly as I wrapped my arms around her waist as she rested her hands on my chest.

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