Random Compliments (E.O)

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Just a little fluff train for you guys. Also I have finished the first chapter of my Leigh Shaw book Will You Let Me In. Let me know if you want me to post it. Also my first one shot book is almost at 1million reads. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH. I ACTUALLY HAVE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO READ MY STUFF. YOU AWESOME MOTHERFUCKERS.

Lizzie's pov

Y/N has been working with the marvel xast for 3 months now and they are honestly a breath of fresh air. But they also make me blush so hard.

"Did you know kiwi's now my favourite fruit." Y/N said as she sat beside me on the sofa in the break room. Making me giggle.

"Why?" I asked with a smile as I looked at her amused.

"Because kiwis are refreashing and sweet. Just like looking in your eyes." She smirked as I laughed.

"That was way too corny." I told her as we both laughed. And that was just the start of it. She didn't care if she was saying these things infront of other cast members either.


"Your smile is the most beautiful thing anyone would ever see. More beautiful than the Aurora Borealis." She said making me blush before she walked away with a victory smile.

"She's upped her game." Scar smirked at my blushing face.


"I love seeing you happy because your eyes shine brighter than a winters sun." She said sweetly as she tucked a stray hair behind my hair. "Also hearing you laugh is as refreshing as summer rain." She said before she walked away. She truly has improved her flirting skills 

"Fuck me." I breathed out with a laugh as I watched her walk away.


"You have the most purest heart that would even make the angels cry."  She said as she stood beside me before she walked away like nothing happened.

"I definitely am captain of this ship." Scar teased me making me cover my face with my hands.


"You have the most beautiful hair, it's like strands of gold that shines in the sun." She said before walking away making the butterflies swarm in my stomach.

"You definitely need to get her off the market before I steal her." Scar said before we went back to work.


"You may be known as the other Olsen, but you are the most beautiful Olsen to me." She said with a soft look in her eyes.

"Seriously?" I whispered to Scar as we watched as Y/N walked away.

"She really likes you Liz, just ask her out." Scar told me before she walked away.


I watched as Y/N walked up to me with a single daisy in her hand. She stood extremely close as she placed it in my hair before she looked in my eyes.

"The most beautiful and purest flower of the earth." She said as she cupped my cheek and walked away. The guys stood there and watched the blush on my face.

"She definitely needs to teach me how to flirt." Chris Evans said making everyone laugh.


"If I was lucky enough to hold you in my arms in a previous life. I would be even luckier to hold you close to me in this life." She smiled softly at me. I couldn't hold it in anymore before walking up to her as she walked away. I gripped her wrist making her turn to face me.

"Then hold me." I told her as I closed the gap and kissed her softly. She held me onto me, afraid to let go.

"I'll hold you for as long as you will let me." She smiled before I pulled her back in, our lips meeting in a loving kiss. Ignoring our surroundings, creating our own world in this moment.


A little fluffy one guys. Let me know what you think. Don't worry guys. I haven't forgotten about your requests. I am still working on them.

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