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You know that feeling when you're meeting someone for the first time and you instantly know that they don't like you? Alas, you remain uncomfortable in their presence from then on because you know you haven't done anything to warrant the dislike. Yeah, this is what Crystal had been feeling from the moment she met Yoongi's mother.

It wasn't for a lack of politeness per say. She was very polite thus far, but Crystal's instincts coupled with her lawyer like ability to see straight through people told her that the kind front would dissipate eventually—as soon as she gave her an actual reason to dislike her perhaps.

She didn't need her soulmate advantages to pick up on the tension between Yoongi and his mother. Again, it wasn't that they weren't polite towards each other. It was that they were too polite. His guard was up and stayed that way until his father, older brother, and sister in law arrived. His guard went down and his mother's went up, an observation that intrigued Crystal.

She didn't know everything about his family business, just that they weren't all particularly close. While they were getting ready at the hotel they'd be staying at for three days, he did mention that he was closer with his father than his mother though. Apparently, they'd had a heart to heart about a year ago and that was enough to resolve most their issues. He also gave her a heads up that his mother wasn't the biggest fan of his brother's wife, which could cause some uncomfortable tension. Turns out, that was an understatement.

After Crystal had met all of them, Yoongi's mother had requested that she and Akira, Yoongi's sister in law join her in the kitchen.

"Crystal-ssi, are you any good at folding dumplings?" she asks and Crystal nods.

"Pretty good," she replies with a tight lipped smile and Mrs. Min nods.

"I've heard that in this kitchen before, but we'll see. Wash your hands here," she says, shooting a pointed look at Akira behind her.

"You, wash your hands too," she says to Akira, her tone less than friendly.

Crystal washed her hands with a scowl, but tried not to let the woman's behavior throw her off. Yoongi said she was tough and Crystal had thick skin as well. She was just going to do what was asked of her within reason of course and get through this evening.

"I've got some pork filling here. Let me get an extra spoon...You, take the kimchi out of the fridge and cut it with these kitchen shears," she says, passing the shears to Akira.

"Small chunks. Nobody liked how big you cut it last time," she says, holding onto the shears until she was done talking.

Akira nods, her face blank and her lips pursed before going to do what her mother in law asked of her. Crystal cringed internally, their interactions bothering her. She didn't know exactly what went down between the two so she thought it best she keep her mouth shut for now.

"Alright Crystal-ssi. Here's a spoon and a bowl of water. I'll get the steamer ready while you fold," she says and Crystal nods, getting to work carefully folding the dumplings and setting them aside on a plate.

"So...I've read a couple articles about you and I hear you're in school—SNU to be exact," Mrs. Min says as she sets up her items on the stove.

"Yes, I'm getting my law degree. I'll be finished in December," Crystal says, sparing a glance at her before she goes back to folding her dumplings.

"Hm, impressive. With how smart you are, I'm surprised you make such great dumplings—and you're not even Asian," she exclaims, sending a pointed look back at Akira, who was sitting at the table immersed in her task.

Crystal didn't understand how intelligence or nationality correlated with dumpling folding, so again—she kept quiet and continued her task until another question was aimed at her.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now