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Quackity walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He hung his towel on a hook near the shower. He un-dressed and tossed his dirty clothes into the laundry basket.


After he got out, he put on his pyjama pants and walked towards the mirror. He turned around, his back facing the mirror, his head left in the same position as before. On his back laid a beautiful, fluffy, golden coloured pair of wings.

No one except Tubbo, his parents and Schlatt know they exist, he was always scared that he would get bullied and or picked on for having them. Schlatt would always point them out, stating that they were weird and un-natural.

He then turned around, his bare chest facing the mirror, his fingers traced a scar that laid in the middle of his chest, going down one way left, and one way right. His fingers traced the red stitch - scars, he smiled to himself.
If you haven't already guessed, Quackity is trans, he had top surgery around over a month ago.

The only people who new were his family and George. He never really brought it up, also random strangers from the street don't need to know, he was also quite good at hiding it. He had been living with Dream (and George) for around 2 months, and Dream never realised.
I mean, they always would shop separately and there was no way that he could ever, even accidentally, walk in on Quackity without a shirt on. Yeah Dream could get nosy, but he would never barge into Quackity's room un-announced, unless it was an emergency, but that, at least for now, never happened.

Quackity walked out of his bathroom and climbed into bed, throwing the sheet over his head. He didn't bother to do his skin care routine. He took out his phone and scrolled through TikTok for an hour or so before drifting off too sleep.

A/N hiii, yeah I decided to make Quackity trans, just bc, word count (not counting a/n) : 322

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