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TW: Under age drinking, metions off rape, manipulation and crying

Quackity pulled up to an all - too familliar driveway. He parked his car, locked it and made his way towards the front door. He expected to be met with an uncomfortable conversation with hi boyfrineds but was shocked to see the opposite. They were sat calmly on the couch, cuddling. "Hey!" Called out Quackity. "Oh! You're home! C'mere then!" Called out Karl. Quackity smiled to himself and sat next to the brunette, putting an arm around him. "Wacha watching?" Asked Quackity. "Oh just something random, what did you find out about Schlatt's mother?" Asked Sapnap, this seemed to get Karl's attention and he paused the show, looking a the smallest. "Oh, well, we just told her some Schlatt stories from when we were younger,she seemed really happy" Said Quackity. "Are you going to tell her about, well, what he did to you and Tubbo?" Asked Sapnap. "I'd rather her think that her son was a good man with a sad story, which is kinda true." Said Quackity to which his boyfriends just rased their brows. "Kinda?" Asked Sapnap. "Well, he only got abusive after the alcohol, before, we were happy, all of us were." Explained Quackity. Karl and Sapnap just looked at eachother. "So, he only got phisically abusive after the alcohol, but, was he emotionally abusive before the alcohol?" Asked Karl. Quackity's face seemed to drop, he never thought of it like that. "I- I don't think so," Said Quackity. Sapnap sighed. "Did you ever tell him you were trans?" Asked Karl. "Yeah, but-" "And did he accept you?" Asked Karl, cutting Quackity off in the middle of his sentance. "No but-" "Then that wasn't a healthy realtionship." Cut off Sapnap. Quackity just sat there, they've had to be lying! Him and Schlatt had the absoulute perfect relationship before he alcohol! It was loyal, well, as far as he knows it was. Both of them had a say in everything, well, Schlatt always had the final say but that is just how it is! They both treated eachother equally, well, that's just a pile of bullshit if he's being honest. "Hello? Q?" Asked Karl, looking at Quackity. Quackity seemed to have spaced out, he shook his head abruptly and looked over to Karl. "Yeah?" He asked. "What were you thinking about?" Asked Sapnap. "Well, just, y'know.." Started Quackity. "If you guys are right or not, if mine and Schlatt's marrige was toxic or not." Said Quackity. "And?" Asked Karl. "Y-you were right." Admitted Quackity, tears slowly building up in the corner of his eyes. Quackity leaned over, his arms on his knees as he buried his face in the palms of his hands. "Y-you were right! God, I-I'm so s-s-tu-pid!" Mumbled out Quackity through broken sobs. "Shhh, It's alright, your not stupid." Cooed Karl as he slid his hand up and down Quackity's back. Sapnap moved over to sit next to Quacity, comforting his boyfriend. 

Ater a lot of sobs and comforts, Quackity calmed down. Quackity leaned over onto Sapnap, Sapnap leand onto Quackity and Karl leaned onto Quackity. "How you feeling ducky?" Asked Karl softly. "I- I don't know...." thought Quackity silently. "Why do you not know?" Asked Sapnap silently. "I mean, if Schlatt manipulated me into thinking that we had a perfect relationship, what else could he could have manipulated me into?" Answered Quackity truthfully. "What are you saying?" Asked Karl as he raised his head to look at the boy. This also seemed to get Sapanp's attention as he looked over t his lover. "Well, I'm not sure, but, I'm pretty sure Schlatt raped me. and I got pregnant with Tubbo..." Said Quackity. Sapnap and Karl were completely shocked, they wanted to torture the living hell out of that evil ram. "W-what...?" Said Karl quietly. "Y'know.., w-when I was 15, we went to a party, and, there was a lot of alcohol and well, I, I drank a bit. Well, not a bit, quite a lot actually." Chuckled Quackity. "And, well, then next day I woke up in Schlatt's room with hurting ass legs, when I asked Schlatt, he said that he didn't remember, but, when I asked pepole from the party, Schlatt kept getting me drinks and also drove us home, him only drinking a shot or two." Finished Quackity, Sapnap wanted to burst. He felt like driving to Schlatt's grave and burning it, he wanted to reach down into hell, get Schlatt and torture the living shit out of him. He felt like throwing a dart at his ugly face. Karl, on the other hand felt like crying. He couldn't belive that his lover had been through so much! That sounded horible, he was practicly raped, and had to give birth to a child at 15!! When Karl was 15, he was playing minecraft with his friends all day, barely passing highschool. Karl through his hands onto Quackity, burying his face in the crook of the mans neck. "I-I'm so sorry that happend to you, you didn't deserve that..." Said Karl as tears started soaking his face. Quackity wrapped his arms around the taller, crying into his soft, brown locks. This seemed to catch Sapnap off guard. He looked over at his lovers, watching them cry. He stayed silent for a bit before wrapping his arms around them, crying aswell. All three of them sat there, crying. They eventually fell asleep, wrapped in eachothers arms, tears soaked into they're faces from mouring over the smallest past.

A/N Hey! Still been feeling de-motivated :/ I've been thinking off writing a book to this AU about how Schlatt and Q met and there past and relationship and stuff like that. I could also write an SBI book based off of this AU, tell me what ya'll think! c: Word count: 922

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