The proper introduciton pt 2

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The dinner went by smoothely, there were no fights nor anything trigering. It was perfect, Quackity and Tubbo decided that they would meet up again in a week. But there was one thing about the dinner which wasn't as calming, in the middle of the dinner as they were eating, Karl asked a question. "If you don't mind me asking, how are ya'll related?" Asked Karl, the conversation turned more serious, Quackity and Tubbo's faces dropped, Wilbur looked at the both of them as if he was asking something, Quackity shrugged and turned his headtowards Tubbo who just nodded. "Well, you have heard of Quackity's past relationship and well, his ex was our kind of half cousin in a sort of way." Explained Wilbur. "We neve' me' his parent befo'e, Phil said he doesn't remebe' 'em." Continued Tommy. "That is probably the smartest thing you ever said and will say." Said Techno ammused and everyone chuckled, exept Techno who just sat there with a straight face. 

After the dinner, the trouple made there way towards the car, Quackity climbing in the driver's seat, Karl sat next to him while Sapnap sat in the back, having drunk more then a bit of alcohol. "youuur famlyszzz real nicccce Quackyyyy." Slurred Sapnap. Quackity simply chuckled. "Is he always like that when he's drunk?" Asked Quackity, a smile on his face. "Some pepole are angry drunks, some are sex drunks, some are sick drunks but Sapnap's just dumb - drunk." Stated Karl which caused Quackity to burst out laughing. "Speaking of alcohol and your family, why does yourrrr" Started Karl, unsure how to finish the sentace. "We stick to father - in - law." Said Quackity while making a turn. "Right, father - in - law have that much alcohol?" Asked Karl. Quackity simply chuckled as he remembered a memory. "One time, my ex husband won, like, 3000 dollars from a lottery ticket and decided to split it." Started Quackity. "But instead of letting other pepole enjoy and spendthere money on whatever they liked, he bought us stuff." Said Quackity. "I got a new laptop, Tubbo got a new phone and he bought Philza expensive Italien wine that was worth 1000 dollars. My father - in - law dosen't really drink so he often takes it out for guests and gives it for birthday's. Im pretty sure he only used 2 bottles for himself and guests and has like 4 left." Said Quackity, Karl gave a small chockle and sighed. There was a loud thump and Karl turned his head immediatly. "What happend?" Asked a concerned Quackity, unable to turn his head. "Oh Sapnap just fell asleep." Said Karl. "Does he have his seat belt on?" Asked Quackity, concerned. (Always wear your seat belt) "Yeah." Said Karl quietly as he turned his head back. The rest of the ride was quiet. Quackity was fixated on the road while Karl watched Tik - Tok for the rest of the way home.

Soon enough they puled into the driveway of their home. Quackity looked over, finding bothof his boyfriends sleeping peacefully. He would let them rest but he was too weak too pick them up. Quackity lightly tapped on Karl's shouder and he slowly raised his head. "Hm?" Asked a tired Karl. "Sorry for waking you up bubs but we gotta go home." Said Quackity. "Alright..." Mumbled Karl quitely. As he got up, streching his arms and grabbing his house key. Quackity came out of the drivers seat and shook Sapnap awake who shot up alerted, he grabbed his head and hissed in pain. "Your head hurts? Well you drank half a bottle of wine so no shit sherlock, we have to go home and you can take a pain killer and go to bed." Said Quackity. "Ughhhhh." Wined Sapnap as he got up with Quackity's help. Quackity closed the car door and him and Sapnap walked together towards the house. He opened the door and held Sapnap's hand for supoort as the man slipped off his shoes. Quackity helped him towards the bedroom where he fell on the bed. "Aren't you gonna change at least?" Asked Quackity with a giggle. "Nah, come here I  want too sleep with you." Quackity blushed at Sapnap's proposition. "Y-you, you what?" Asked Quackity, red as a tomato. But Sapnap was already dead asleep. 

Quackity sat there, stunned. "Did you two have sex or something?" Asked Karl as he walked out of the bathroom, Quackity turned even more redder. "WAIT REALLY?" Yelled Karl, shocked. "What? No! And don't yell!" Quackity whisper - yelled as he grabbed his pyjamas from the closet and went to the bathroom himself too take a shower. 

After taking his shower, Quackity found his boyfriends cuddled up in a deep slumber. The black haired boy smiled too himself as he cuddled up next too Karl, happy with the ones he loved.

A/N hey! sry for the short chapter but eh. Word count: 814

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