Sap boi 3/3

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Sapnap took out his phone and searched in the search bar for a specific, Greek restaurant.
Karl was nosey, so he looked over to what his boyfriend was searching for. 'Greek?' He asked in confusion. 'Well, we all are pretty hungry and I wanted for you both to try something new!' Said Sapnap with a smile. 'Yeah, but why specifically greek?' Asked Q, confused. 'Well my grandma, and mom were greek and my mom would take me, y'know, to get to know my culture and stuff like that.' Explained Sapnap. 'I never knew you were greek! Karl, did you know this?!' Asked Quackity, jokingly outraged. 'I was quite not aware of this knowledge, I am thou offended by this lack of communication.' Replied Karl in a fake, British accent.
Sapnap chuckled at the stupidity of his boyfriend while he clicked on the location, starting the route and setting his phone down in front of him.

They drove along, deep in conversation. Talking about the most random topics before Sapnap took a sharp, right turn. 'Nah, Rudolf saved Christmas ONCE! And he is getting movies, songs, Poems, goddamn love stories! Dasher, however, was ALWAYS FUCKING THERE! And does he get all that? Nooo!' 'Yeah but-' 'No buts Karl! Dasher deserves better!' Quackity finished ranting, a finger in the air. 'I don't think Rudolf has love stories Q.' Said Karl. 'WATTPAD SPEAKS OTHERWISE!' He screamed. 'Aaaand we're here!' Said Sapnap, mid-conversation.

Sapnap parked his car in a grocery store parking lot since the Greek place was on the side of a long building that shops and stuff like that.

They walked into the restaurant and sat down by a table inside, the table had a blue and white checkered patterned tablecloth. There were two candles in the middle of the table along with a vase with blue and white flowers, there was also a tissue stand in the middle.

After checking their menus and waiting a couple of minutes, an average-height woman (taller than Quackity) walked up to their table. She had a white button-up along with some yellow sweatpants. She had an oyster apron wrapped around her waist, a notebook in hand, and a blue pen. 'Can I get your order?' She asked, looking around the table. 'I'll have a Greek salad and a glass.' Said Karl with a smile. 'A glass of what? Are you trying to drink air?' Asked the waitress, confused. 'Oh just a glass, there isn't my favorite drink on here but I have it with me and I just want a glass to put it in.' Karl smiled, the waitress gave him a "Are you serious?" look but wrote it down anyway. 'I'll have a Souvlaki (Greek grilled meat) and a sprite.' Said Quackity. The waitress gave him an approving look and wrote it down. 'And you?' She turned to Sapnap. 'Oh, I'll just have Kleftiko and a coke.' He said shyly. She widely smiled, wrote it down, and left. 'I don't think she likes me.' Karl chuckled. 'Maybe, but she DEFINITELY likes Sap.' Said Quackity. 'Oh she just likes my order, that's it.' He said shrugging.

Soon the waitress returned with 3 glasses, 3 plates, and a small basket that had 3 forks, 3 knives, and 3 spoons. She set it down and Karl quickly took his glass and out of his back he took out a monster. The waitress watched in horror as he poured the monster to the brim. The waitress left and returned with a sprite and coke in hand. Quackity took the sprite while Sapnap took the coke and filled half of his glass with the coke.

They soon got their food, each of them enjoying it and snatching small bites from one other. 

After they ate, they paid and excited the restaurant and back into the car, it now being 6.30 p.m. 'Where to Sap?' Asked Quackity as he sat down in the driver's seat, Sapnap next to him. 'The movie theater.' Said Sapnap and they drove off to a random movie theater. 


The trio decided to watch Mamma Mia 3, loving it they headed out of the movie theater and towards the car, Sapnap kept looking at his phone, he was texting someone though his boyfriends weren't aware who. They got into the car, Sapnap in the driver seat, Karl in the passenger, and Quackity in the back. 'Alright, I have one last stop, my time limit might have to extend a bit if you 2 don't mind.' Said Sapnap. 'I don't mind it, do you?' Asked Karl looking over to the duck man. 'Me either, I don't mind.' Answered Quackity and Sapnap started the car - nervous, but, excited. 

The journey was pretty short, around 10 minutes, but to Sapnap t felt like an iternety due o his stress. 

They got out of the car and started walking along the cost of the beach, Sapnap was very nervous, he kept his hand in his pocket. As they walked, suddenly, Quackity felt water on his shirt, he looked at his boyfriends who didn't seem to notice, deep in conversation, so he shrugged it off, ignoring it. But then, he falt more water, his boyfriends seemd to also. Suddenly, it sarted pouring, heavily. Sapnap was getting anxious, everything was ruined because of the stupid rain! Then, out of no where, Karl took Sapnap's hand and spun him around while Quackity clapped out a rythem. And there they were,  dancing in the rain, holding hands, singing,and  jumping on a public beach. 

They soon stopped when Sapnap realised that he still had to show them that thing. The 3 walked along the cost for a while before they walked over to a white gazebo. There were fairy lights all around along with some un-lit candles and 2 boquets sitting on the small, white, table. They walked inside, Sapnap lit the candles and took a deep breath in, "It'll be fine, you rehursed this, you won't mess up." - he told himself as he picked up both the bouquets and handed each to his boyfriends. 'Oh wow Sapnap, It's beautiful-' Started Quackity, along with Karl who was smiling and looking at the bouquet from every angle before Sapnap took a long, velvet box out of his pocket and got on one knee. 

'Quackity, Karl, you are both the pepole I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love going on silly little dates with you two, I love trying new things with you two, I love falling asleep next to you two, waking up next to you two and doing everything eith you two, so, Quackity, Karl, will you both make me the happiest man that graces the earth and will you two marry me?' Said Sapnap, expecting for the worst as he was greeted with silence, he coudn't dare to look at their pitiful faces, so he looked at the ground after finishing his speech. After the longes couple of seconds of his life, Sapnap was thrown back as both the boys jumped straight at him, holding him close. All 3 of them were crying, the rain complemented the moment, they all slipped 3 beautiful, silver wedding rings on each of their hands. Karl and Sapnap took their bouquets as they exited the gazebo, gretted with rain falling hard onto their heads. 'So, where now?' Asked Quackity. Before Sapnap could say anything, behind them was heard a honk. They looked back to see Sapnap's car on the road, suddenly the window pulled down and George poked his head out. 'GET IN LOSERS WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!' He screamed, making the 3 of them slightly giggle. 

As they walked, Karl stopped mid-track, his eyes wide and face pale. 'What's wrong?' Asked Sapnap, concerned. 'Did either of you put out the candles?' Asked Karl. 'No.' They replied in sync, as soon as the words escaped their lips, Karl sprinted back in order to put out the candles, before they could even react, Karl was sprinting back, 2 half-burned candles in hand, smiling. He put the candles under his armpit, taking his hands out for both the boys to grab. 'Now, where were we?' He said making both of them giggle as they walked towards Sapnaps car, in the Rain. 

A/N hey ya'll, so, Idk if I should continue this, I'm pretty sure I'll end it here, I could write somethig, I do have an idea but it's pretty boring so yeah. Anyway, tell me what ya'll think, ty for everyone who voted, commented, read, etc. Ya'll really mean the world to me and I love ya'll <3333 Word count: 1372

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