Uh oh

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'Wait, you're PREGNANT?!' Said Sapnap, a look of disbelief and disgust plastered on his face. Quackity took in a shaky breath. 'Yes.' He replied. 'Well, who's the father?' Asked Karl softly.

'I- I don't know.' Admitted Quackity. 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW?!' Screamed Sapnap. 'I DONT KNOW WHO AND WHEN FUCKED ME SO HARD THAT A FETUS IS GROWING IN MY FUCKING BODY OKAY?!' Quackity yelled out.

'How far along are you?' Asked Sapnap. 'What?' Asked Quackity. 'HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!' Screamed Sapnap. '3 MONTHS!' Yelled Quackity, tears pricking his eyes. 'shit, shit, shit, SHIT!' Yelled Sapnap. 'Sap... calm down.' Said Karl in a quiet voice.

'Calm down? CALM DOWN?! KARL DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING? We can't have a child!' Yelled Sapnap. 'We have Tubbo.' Reasoned Karl. 'TUBBO DOESN'T COUNT!' Yelled Sapnap throwing his hands around.

'Why are you acting like a middle schooler? You're an ADULT. Act like one!' Said Quackity sternly. 'No, you act like one! You're the one who's PREGNANT!' Yelled Sapnap. 'You or Karl is the one who caused this to happen!' Said Quackity, tears prickling his face. 'Guys..' Said Karl quietly.

'"You or Karl", "YOU OR KARL"! We can see how responsible you are Q.' Said Sapnap sarcastically. 'What has gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?' Asked Sapnap.

'Like a GIRL! Oh wait! I know why, it's cause you are one-' 'SAPNAP!' Yelled out Karl, making Sapnap shut up.

'Oh shut up!' Yelled Sapnap. 'You shut up! You're the one who's acting like a lunatic-' Karl was cut off by a slap in the face from Sapnap.

'What the fuck are you do-' Quackity was cut off by Sapnap pushing him hard onto the floor.

Suddenly, Q jolted up in panic and sweat, looking around.

He was in a hospice and Sapnap was next to him, his eyes flashed with hope when he saw Q.

'What happened?' Asked Q.

'The plane crashed, we're in Italy.' Said Sapnap.

'Where's Karl?' Asked Q worriedly.

Sapnaps eyes lost the hope.

'He's in a coma, you have now ended your 3 days, Karl was in an odd position when the plane crashed, he smashed his chest against the wall of the plane while protecting your stomach, don't know why.' Explained Sapnap.

'How did he know...' Q muttered quietly to himself.

'What?'Asked Sapnap. 'Nothing, how's Karl now.' Asked Q again.

'He coded once, he also is having emergency surgery.' Said Sapnap.

'But it's been 3 days, right?' Asked Q.

'Yes, but in the accident he got real hurt, he even got a blood clot that n his brain but the doctors managed to fix it and he's gonna need a lot of surgery.' Said Sapnap sadly.

After the doctor came to check on Q, he was good to go. Him and Sap went to the café at the hospital and Sapnap told him what happened in greater detail.

After 3 or so hours, Sapnap kept circling around to the topic of why Karl protected Q's stomach.

That was when Q broke the news and he took it well, nothing like what happened with n his nightmare.

2 more hours later, Sapnap and Q could see Karl. The sight made their hearts shatter.

Karl was hooked up to all sorts of things, including life support.

The doctors said that he should be okay, currently he had a broken, well cracked rig cage as well as his left arm and a left twisted ankle.


Soon, it got dark. Sapnap and Quackity were still sitting at Karl's side, waiting for him to wake up, hopefully.

Quackity fell asleep while Sapnap stayed put, waiting for a miracle.

Suddenly, Karl's forehead scrunched up a little before the muscles in his forehead relaxed and the machines started beeping.

Sapnap stood up frantically while Q tried to adjust to his surroundings, trying to see what happens.

Then, nurses and doctors came in, frantically trying to do something to make the beeping stop.

'What's going on?' Asked Sapnap worried.

'CODE BLUE!' A nurse from the crowd yelled out.

A/N btw the dream started in the last chapter when they came home. Word count: 700

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