A crush... ?

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It's been a month since Quackity vented too his two friends. Since then he got a second job closer to his new house. He had told his friends about Tubbo, but never introdeced them to him. Since Quackity vented, they all got, closer. It was normal for Karl or Sapnap to wake up and see Quackity making them breakfest in the kitchen. They also would oftenly sit together, like next to eachother and none of them really realised. Except one time, one timit was well... diffrent.

On one morning, it was normal. Quackity was in the kitchen making pancakes. He just added the mixture and was now flipping the pancackes. He ws wearing a hoodie with cut out holes in the back for his wings too poke out. His wings hurt and well Karl and Sapnap already new about them. He was flipping the pancackes when he felt something. A hand traced his wings, touching  the fluff and moving his arms up and down. Quackity winced but let it happen. "They're really fluffy..." Said Sapnap petting the wings, shifting his hand up and down the golden feathers. "Yeah.. I know." Said Quackity, a tint of pink spreading across his face as he flipped one of the pancakes. Sapnap soon removed his hand, a sudden chill's spread through out Quackity's body feeling the lack of warmth. 

Just as Quackity took the pancackes of the pan and onto a plate, Karl walked out of Sapnap and Karl's shared bedroom. "Hey! What'd you make?" Asked Karl walking towards the pantry too grab a monster. His body brushed against Quackity's wings. "Woah where'd you get that shirt? You look more comfortable now." Said Karl as he took out a monster, realizing his friend's wings. "Oh I just maped out where my wings are and cut hole's in one of my hoodies." Said Quackity as he grabbed some maple syrup from the pantry. "You should where it more often, I personally like your wings, they're cute." Said Karl casually as he made his way to the table. This statement made Quackity blush a bit. "You think so...?" Asked Quackity. "Yeah! Has no one ever told you that?" Asked Karl. Quackity used too be bulied for his wings - even his parents. Funny thing was that his mom also had wings, it was her way to deal with her insecurity - pushing them onto a child. "N-no.." Said Quackity as he placed the maple syrup on the table, walking over too get the plates of pancakes. "Well you must be surrounded by idiot's then." Stated Sapnap, a smile spread across Quackity's face as he set down the plates of pancakes too each of his friends as he went too grab his own. 

After they finished breakfest, they decided too watch a movie or two. They decided on a horror movie. They all sat squished together, this time Quackity sat in between his two friends. Quackity wasn't really scared by horror movies, while Karl was terrified. He constantly hid his face in a pillow. On one jump scare he cuddled up too Quackity causing the ravennette to blush ever so slightly. Sapnap was mostly interseted in the story line and would slightly jump during jump scares. It was pretty nice other then the fact there was a lot jumping from all three of them. They stayed up a bit longer talking about random stuff. At one moment, Quackity spaced out, he didn't think or really even here what Sapnap was telling. He just focused on the man's lips and the way he talked, he nodded at random times but he was focused on his friends facial features. this thing also happend with Karl.

Later that night, Quackity sat in his room starig at his celling. He was ready for bed but he just really didn't feel like it. He didn't understand why he was feeling the way he was. Why did he blush when Sapnap or Karl would touch or compliment him? Why did he spaceout when they would talk? He thought and thought about it, and then a thought jumped into his head. Did he, did he have a crush...?

A/N Hiya! Sorry that it's a bit short but eh. Word count: 692 (he he first too numbers)

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