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TW: mentions of abuse and rape

The next day was quiet, all three of them had nothing too do. When Quackity came to the living room, his friends were already sat on the couch, joking and flirting. Quackity quietly walked over towards the fridge, silently begging that his friends wouldn't notice him. "Oh Q, you're up." Said Karl from the couch. "Yeah, how you guys doing?". Asked Q as he bit into an apple, sitting down on the other end of the couch. "Quackity, we can't just ignore what happed yesterday." Said Sapnap, sighing. "We can, so,how are you doing?" Said Quackity, trying to change the subject. "Why were you sleeping in a grave yard?!" Asked Karl, starting to get more annoyed by the minute. "Answer my question!" Shot out Quackity, clearly done with the conversation. "Not untilyou answer mine!" Barked Karl, annoyed. "Guys don't fight!" Shot out Sapnap. "Just tell me why you were sleeping in a honking cemetery!" Yelled Karl, causing Quackity to flinch. Quackity decided not too budge, he wouldn't win this fight. And even if he did, it wouldn't be nice. "Fine, just, don't really speak okay?!" Asked Quackity, wanting for it too be done with. "Alright, come." Said Karl, pating the seat between him and his boyfriend. Sapnap scooted over so Quackity would have more space. Hesitantly, Quackity got up from his spot on the couch and sat in between the two boys. "Okay, so, uhh where do I start, right so," Started quackity, a bit nervous. "So the grave i slept next too was my dead husbands grave. And, well, I came there because today would have been his 27th birthday." Said Quackirty, remebering his husband, he smiled too himself at the thought of his dead love. "The reason I fell asleep was because, well, I cried untill i passed out." Stated quackity. "Why did you cry? If you don't mind me asking." Asked Karl, watching his friend. "Well, umm, he, he used too hit me and, a thought came too my head, it caused me too cry so, yeah." Said Quackity, wanting too finish the conversation. "What was the thought?" Asked Sapnap, not getting the signals. "Um, if he also would hit our son.." Said Quackity slowly. Karl and Sapnap's eyes widened, he didn't know Quackity had a son. They could ask about his son later though, now was not the time. "He- he was also my s-son an-d, umm, I cried, I really cried, a lot." Said Quackity, his voice breaing, he felt like crying, letting it all out. Suddenly he felt a hand on the left side of his head, pressing it down onto his right side, his head fell on Sapnap's shoulder. His friend masaged his hair, silently. "It's okay... let it all out." Spoke Karl calmly while he rubbed the boys torso, slowly.  Quackity did as he was told, sobbing into the crook of Sapnap's neck. Sapnap and Karl's heart's broke seeing there friend like this, they wanted too help him, but deep down they knew they couldn't. 

Quackity cried for around an hour, letting all his emotions pool out. He sat there, eyes red and puffy from crying, head down low as his friends watched him, neither of them didn't know how too start the conversation. "Umm, so what exactly did you're husband do too you?" Asked Karl, eyeing the boy. "w-well, at first... he was amazing." Cofessed Quackity, thinking back too the old times. "He would bring me flowers, tell me nice things. He treated me like a princess and I quite frankly loved that." Stated Quackity. "But then.... 5 years after we got married, he became an alcoholic. He would oftenly get drunk, come home late at night or he wouldn't come back at all and would cheat on me." Said Quackity, tears built up in the corner of his eyes. "A-and when I t-tried t-t-too stand up for myself, h-he would h-h-hit m-me." Confessed the boy as crocodile tears flew down his face like a river. "Th-that's how I got the scar on the side of m-my head." Said Quackity, pointing too a faint scar you could still see. At this point Sapnap was fighting back the tears that were building up in the corner of his eyes, trying not too seem emotional infront of his cru- friend. While Karl was balling his eyes out, the boy didn't deserve what happend too him, he deserved so, so much more. "A-and because of that, m-my son would oftenly spent the night at his cousins house so nothing happened to him. And wh-when that would ha-ppen, h-he would r-rape me... and hit me... and over all be abu-sive. He called me names and." Quackity was cut off, tears flowing down his face like a waterfall. "And I would belive it, and, y-yeah." Said Quackity, not wanting too reveal the rest. Karl frew his arms around the boy, sobbing. Sapnap tried desperatley too fight back tears but was clearly failing. They sat there like that, acompanied in eachothers arms untill they fell asleep like that on the couch, together.

A/N Hey! Word count : 850

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