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Through our the whole honeymoon, Quackity has been acting quite odd. That's at least what Karl sepculates.

Throughout the whole trip, Quackity politely distanced himself. And it would've been alright, if not for the fact that they were on THEIR honeymoon.

Karl found it quite odd. Ofcourse, he didn't say anything but still. Sapnap was acting pretty normal.

But it didn't matter now, they were finally going back to their house. All 3 of them were sat next to eachother, chatting about what they were going to be doing next.

Sap talked about some new project, something to do with Mincraft.

Karl was planning some new designs. These designs were quite different then what he would normally make. They were barely related with his brand.

You see, when Karl was around 6, he learned how to sew and nit.

When he was younger, it was his own way to relive stress. Most of the time he sew plushies out of old cloothes and he'd steal the fluff from pillows.

Once, when he was 12, he sew himself a scarf. It was a very colourful scarf with the colours purple, green, yellow and blue. When his friends saw him wearing the scarf to school, they clowned him for it.

Ever since he hasn't sown or designed anything. But that all changed a couple years ago, when he started putting out merch.

And now, he finally designed something. Both of his fiances supported his ideas.

Quackity has also decided that he will join a law firm.

Quackity has been going to therapy for around 2.5 years, and he's definately improved with his emotions.

And if you're wondering, yes Q got the latest iPhone in Grecce and he has gotten iover the fact that some asshole took his phone to a diffrent country.


The cab driver pulled up to the familiar driveway. The trio got out, took there bags, thanked and payed the uber driver, and left to their house.

As soon as they arived, Q abandoned his luggage to go look for Tiger, the stary cat they adopted 2 days before leaving for their honeymoon, to see if he was still alive.

Karl was also in a rush to check on his plants. Luckily for Dream, all of the plants were alive and smelled nice.

Sapnap sighed as he took the luggages and n his own up to the trio's bedroom.

When he set down the luggages, he heard weird sounds.

He immediately recognized them and ran to where the sounds came from, the bathroom.

They tried to open the door but it was locked. He could still hear the sounds of his husband throwing up.

'Babe? What's going on? I really don't like it when you lock the door, please open it when you ca-an I'm a bit worried, honey? Q?' Sapnap's voice hitched while he knocked on the door, praying that Q would answer it.

After a few seconds of waiting, Sap heard foot steps and he heard the door unlock before he heard running.

Sapnap acted quickly, he opened the door and saw his loving husband bent over the toilet.

'Karl! Get in here!' They yelled while watching Q.

Sapnap walked over to his huabnd and rubbed his back while he vomited.

Karl ran in the bathroom to see Sapnap rubbing Q's back.

After a few minutes of Q vomiting while his husbands told them words of comfort, rubbed his back and worried for their husband, Q raised his head for the final time.

He took some deep breath's. 'Q? Are you good babe?' Asked Karl, looking at him with a worried expression since he saw one of the loves of his life's break the human record of most calories lost within a couple minutes.

'I'm good, I'll just wash up.' Said Q. He walked over to the sink and washed his face and hands before walking back to the toilet, closing the lid and flushing it.

The 3 of them sat on the couch. Q sat in the middle while Karl was on his left and Sapnap on his right.

'So, can you tell us what just happened? Are you sick? Did the get food poisoning?' Asked Sapnap.

Quackity sat still, looking ahead hike he thought through everything.

If he lies, they will have to tell his husbands later and then, their husbands will be mad at them for not being honest from the start.

But if he tells the truth, they could leave them. Heck, Karl isn't even 30 yet! But even if that is what they're planing to do, they'll do it sooner or later so might as well clear one problem out of the way.

Quackity took a deep breath.

'So, 2 weeks after we got engaged, I noticed something was wrong. And, as it turns out, I'm pregnant.'

A/N heyyy so new chapter recently I checked my stats and, whoever is reading this from Iraq, shout-out. As well to whoever it s reading this from South Africa. Still haven't got any North Koreans 💔💔 I don't think Kimmy like DSMP very much. Word count: 809

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