Still at da hospital

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After a minute, Sapnap was already awake. Tommy was surprisingly asleep. After Quackity suddenly stood up, Tommy fell onto Karl's shoulder. The thing that woke him up though was when while Sapnap was talking to Karl, he said the word 'Tubbo' - that made Tommy jolt awake. "W-what? Where is he?" Asked Tommy, sleepy but alert. Sapnap stared at him like an idiot while Karl chuckled at Tommy."You're talking about Tu-" "Yes I'm talking about Tubbo!" Yelled Tommy, getting a few strange looks. "Oh, a doctor came and took Quackity to his room." Explained Sapnap. "Can you ask Quackity where he is?" Asked Tommy sarcastically. Sapnap raised an eyebrow at his tone but still unlocked his phone and pressed on Quackity's contact.

Hey, where is Tubbo's room? I, Karl and Tommy want to see you both.

Oh, we are on the 2nd floor, room 204. There should be a broken vending machine in the hallway.

"They're on the second floor, room-" "204 yeah, yeah. Ad there should be a broken vending machine in the hallway, let's go." Cut off, Tommy. He stood up looking at the two who were still sitting. "What are you waiting for? Christmas? Let's go!" Whined Tommy as he grabbed Karl's arm, pulling him up. Sapnap followed the two as Tommy dragged the brunette through the hospital corridors, half running. Soon enough, he saw a vending machine with no food inside it with a piece of paper taped to the glass, it read 'out of service til f notice' in messy handwriting. Tommy sped up as he spotted a room with a small board next to it that read '201'. He scanned rooms, 202..., 203..., and 204! He stopped at the door before letting go of Karl and gently knocking on the door as he creaked it open, peaking his head out. To the left was some random kid with a bandaged torso sleeping, a couple of beds from it lay his friend, leg in the air being supported by a white cloth. Next to him sat Quackity, petting his hair as well as holding a conversation to keep the boy entertained. Tommy sprinted to them, stopping in front of Tubbo. Tubbo and Quackity both looked at the blond, Tubbo smiling widely. "TOMMYYYY!" He croaked out, his voice broken. Tommy smiled standing next to Tubbo. "I'll give you both some space." Quackity smiled as he stood up from the chair, Tommy taking his place. 

Quackity walked over to the door frame where his boyfriends were staring at the boys, smiling like idiots. Quackity stood next to them, the three of them taking up the whole door frame. 

They stared at them for a few moments. "Ehem." They heard behind them. All three turned around to see an average-sized woman, slightly taller than Quackity, and the same doctor that brought Quackity to his room. She had very clearly dyed short, brown hair as a pastel shade of red lipstick, messy eyeliner, and a heavy amount of mascara. She had a tight, aquamarine skirt, bright red heels, and a knock-off black purse which she held tightly with both her hands. "Oh I'm so sorry said Quackity as he got out of her way, his boyfriends following him soon after. "Kids these days..." Muttered the woman under her breath as the doctor just nervously nodded. The boyfriends ignored the woman as she sat down next to the boy on the near left. She looked at him then back at the doctor while the throuple stared at Tommy and Tubbo who were having a rock, paper scissors match. "How long will he be like this?" Asked the woman. "At least 4 more months, his back is severely broken," Said the doctor. The woman's face turned red, she was angry. "WHAT?! THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS!" She screamed. "Ma'am please calm down, it's 2 a.m. and you're not the only person in this hospital." Said the doctor. The woman huffed looking back at her son who was still sound asleep. "When will he wake up?" She asked. "in 10 hours at the least." Said the doctor. The woman shot a glare at the doctor. "Excuse me, are you aware of what day is it?" She asked. "Yes, it's Tuesday." Replied the doctor. "Exactly, a school day." Said the woman. "I'm sorry but your son is not going to be able to go to school for the rest of the week, if you care more about school than your son's physical and mental health I might have to call CPS." Said the doctor. As the woman (Karen) screamed at the doctor and the doctor hushed the lady, the throuple was watching Tubbo and Tommy in admiration. "I think we should adopt Tubbo." Said Karl, both the men looked at Karl as well as the doctor and Karen.

A/N Sorry I've been dead for a bit now, kinda got homework, tests and such. Also metal health kinda expired so yeah. Sorry if it's bad, I'm trying xD. I'm thinking of writing 2 book, like a schlackity during high school (this AU) and some LORE to this story. Also I could make a one-shot book but only if ya'll give me some requests cause I'm 80 % brain-dead. Word count: 800

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