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It's been a week since Quackity realised he had a crush on his roommates. At first he stayed in complete denail, but he came to terms with it eventually. Since over a month ago, things have gotten, well, awkward. Karl was the most awkward. At random times he would catch Karl staring at him, it always made him blush. And Sapnap was also acting a bit wierder. For example, whenever he would stay overtime at work Sapnap would always call him and ask him why he isn't home yet and where he is. At first Quackity didn't think much of it. He's probably just being a good friend, but what if it means more then that? what if Sapnap like's him back? What if they both do? Quackity would sometimes just end up left in cicle's of his own thought's. And free day's didn't help either. He had his free day's on work days so all of his friends would be busy at theyre own jobs and probably wouldn't want too talk too him. At work at least he got too keep his mind on his customer's order's and on his co-workers problems.  But on free day's he would just scroll endlessly through twitter, or instagram, or tiktok or any other social media. Sometimes he would find him self stalking his roommates instagram's, liking all they're photo's on a secret account. This free day however was diffrent, his roommates didn't have anyting to do. They all decided too watch a movie. Quackity however was in a very un-lucky situation. He was on his period and he was super scared because he didn't want his friends too notice (obviously). But at one time he felt it, he needed too get up and change his pad fast. "Hey I have too go to the bathroom, be back in a bit." He said, getting up and running up the stairs too his bathroom quickly. He didn't take his hone, leaving it on the couch where he previously sat. Suddenly, a notification popped up. Karl looked over too Sapnap who shrugged, with a bit of hesitation Karl pickedup his friend's phone too see what was the notification. He took the phone and saw the notification, it was from a person that was named in Quackity's phone as "Dadza".


So you picking up Tubbo tmrw or nah? I didn't tell him anything btw. 

Karl looked at the message and then at Sapnap who looked equally confused. "Who's Tubbo?" whispered Sapnap. "I don't know!" whispered back Karl. "I'm gonna try to get into his phone." Said Karl quietly. "Okay" muttered Sapnap. Karl entered a random passcode he thought of. "Fuck" he muttered under his breath.  "Should we be really looking through his phone?" Asked Sapnap looking at Karl. "Do you want to know who Tubbo is?" Asked Karl, Sapnap shrugged as Karl again tried to unlock the phone.Karl tried to unlock Quackity's phone but was failing, finally after the third try he guessed the passcode right. The first thing that popped up was Karl's instagram. Karl felt blush come acroos his face, as he looked towards Sapnap who looked partly disapointed. Sapnap snatched the phone from out of Karl's grasp and looked over too see who his crush was following. "He's following us!" whispered Sapnap excitedly. Suddenly, the both of them heard they're friend walk down the stairs, Karl quickly went back too his instagram and shut the phone of quickly setting it aside. "What are you two nimrods doing?" Asked Quackity as he walked over and grabbed his phone. "Nothing." Both of them blurted out in sync. Quackiy unlocked his phone with his finger and what looked like sent a text. Quackity was texting with  someone back and thorth for over 2 minutes while him and his friends sat in utter silence, the couple scarred of being caught while also wondering why Quackity was looking at their instagram. After a while, Quackity stuffed his phone into his pocket and looked at both of his friends. "I'm going to be gone for the whole day tommorow just to let you know." Said Quackity as he sat down. "So, we continuing the movie or what?" Asked Quackity as he looked at his friends. Karl grabbed the remote and un-paused the movie as they watched it, the tension growing with every minute. 


The night grew faster, the tension not stopping. After the movie, Quackity grabbed something to eat and went upstairs and got on a call with Tubbo. He ended up playing some video games with his son and his friends, it was a very wierd parent-child bonding time. Mostly because TUbbo's friend's didn't know what too call they're friends parent. They didn't understand why Tubbo called his male parent 'Mama". But after Quackity cleared up his pronouns and boundries it got calmer. Excpet the occasional 'Tubbo your mom / dad's hot' it was pretty chill. 

While Quackity played games with a bunch of kids, Karl and Sapnap were stuck in a deep conversation about Quackity and how they felt about him.

"I- I think I developed feelings for Quackity..." Confessed Sapnap looking down. He thought, well, he new that Karl would leave him for cheating even if Karl had previously stated that he also had these feelings.

"Hey, babe, hey, look at me, okay?" Asked Karl and Sapnap hesitantly raised his head too look at his boyfriend. "It's okay, It's alright too have these feelings, would you like to confess them or not?" Asked Karl looking deep into his boyfriend's dark, hazel eyes. His eyes under some lighting sometimes looked orange, that's how they met, through Sapnap's unique eyes and Karl's curiousity. "Uhm... Do you?" Asked Sapnap looking into his lovers bright, green eyes. "Only if you want too." Said Karl smiling. "Then yeah, let's ask him out, if it dosen't go well we'll still have eachother, right?" Asked Sapnap looking into the brunette's eyes. "Ofcourse." Said Karl as he hugged Sapnap, both of them smiling widely.

A/N Hi!!!!!!!! Sorry for not posting yesterday, didn't have time, and didn't have an idea for the title, anyways, word count: 997

Rainy Days - KarlnapityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang